3: Training and Learning Slayer Magic

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Aneira's Pov

Some years have passed since Beira ended up leaving the house all day and I was playing hide and seek with Frost and Yuri. I am now nine years old and I have learned so much Ice God Slayer Magic from Beira that I love this magic so much! I'm glad that she's teaching me this magic art! I can feel myself getting stronger with each passing day.

Beira and I started training this morning and have been going nonstop all day long. So far I have learned 3 spells since getting used to the intense magic energy and strength of each one along with how intense the Slayer Magic is. Beira isn't teaching me any more new spells yet until I have mastered these three it seems like.

The three spells that Beira taught me were Ice God Snow Dance, Ice God Glacial Fist, and Ice God Frozen Snowstorm. All three were really strong all on their own. I always practiced each of them as hard as I could to get each of them perfect. Grant it, it will always be hard work and tiring to get all of them to be as great as possible. But, I think I can do it, if I keep at it.

Ice God Snow Dance is a spirling current of snow and ice that circles around me as I would rush towards my opponent, then when I would get close enough I can twist my torso around in a spin and catch them in a whirlwind of snow and ice as damage is inflicted upon them as they are thrown across the field or room. Learning this one took me about five months to fully learn this spell. It was somewhat hard to learn and to fully grasp.

Ice God Glacial Fist is a basic punch that is covered in ice. It can cause frostbite to the person I am punching. Learning the Glacial Fist didn't take me long to learn. Only took me about one month. I have been trying to make this punch to where it will be stronger whenever I punch someone. I just have to build up my strength, I know that.

The most recent spell that Beira taught me is Ice God Frozen Snowstorm. This spell is a flurry of ice talons and sickles that slashes through the air towards my target and can cut through anything. This spell has been hard for me to master since I only learned it about 2 weeks to a month and a half ago. It is really hard to exactly understand how to focus all my energy into one general area, but Beira said with enough practice I should be able to master this spell with no issues.

Beira and I are in the gym for some training that Beira wanted to do today. She wanted to have me work on more of the Frozen Snowstorm spell then train in general on my physical strength. I know I can't rely on my magic forever, I will at some point need to do some hand-to-hand combat. I'm not entirely sure when that will be, but I'm sure I will be at some point.

As our training continues, I can tell that Beira is not really paying attention to what is going on during the training. She seems really lost in thought. I'm not sure what about, but if it is that important to steal her attention away from training then maybe.... Looking up at Beira I smile at her brightly as I start panting. "Beira, we can take a break or stop training for today if you want to. You seem really lost in thought anyways." I was trying not to sound too upset about it, I just hope it came across the right way I wanted it to.

Beira nodded agreeing with me and smiled back. "Your right, we should stop training here. You have been training since a little after breakfast. Go get cleaned up and relax or do whatever kids are doing." She starts to laugh.

I start laughing too as I run off. "Okay!! Thanks Beira!!" Running off towards the bath so I can get cleaned up from training almost all day long. When I get to the bathroom, I notice that the snow and ice friends that Beira has around the house, already made the bath for me. Aww... That's so sweet of them!! They didn't have to do that! Getting into the bath and I look up at the ceiling wondering what I should do once I am done. "Hmmmm.... I could go exploring on the mountain before dinner!! That would be fun!! I would just have to be cautious of dangerous and strange looking people that Beira warned me about." I started mumbling to myself.

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