Chapter 32

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Feelings that Vader couldn't identify coursed through him as he watched Padme shake. She tried to move off the bed, but he stopped her. "I apologize, Padme", he said quickly, placing a hand on her shoulder. "I should not have spoken to you about this now. You were not ready for this information."

"Take... your... hand off me", Padme squeaked out. Vader removed his hand from her shoulder, but remained standing in front of her. "Stop blocking me, Vader. I need to leave. I need to leave you!""

Vader didn't move, he stood in front of her like a wall. "I'm sorry, Padme", he almost mumbled. Padme began to sob. Vader spoke very slowly. "I know that Shira is an identity you created to survive. You know that if you admit that you are Padme, you will have to admit that all the terrible things that happened to Padme over the years happened to you." Padme buried her face in her hands, and sobbed harder. The shaking of her body became almost violent. Vader made no move to stop the shaking or sobbing. He was silent even as uncomfortable emotions flowed through him.

Hours passed before Vader watched Padme uncover her eyes, and move her hands to her lap. He was shocked when she finally spoke. "Why do you want to take her away from me?"
"What?" Vader asked, keeping the shock out of his voice.
Padme stared into his eyes. "Why do you want to take Shira away from me?" She asked in a small voice.
"Tell me about Shira", Vader replied.
"Why?" She asked, still staring into his blue eyes

"Tell me about Shira", Vader repeated.

"Shira is strong, she's in control."
"Padme isn't?" Vader asked.
"Padme is scared", she answered.
"In order to reclaim Padme, you need to let go of Shira. I need to take Shira away from you. Shira is a false identity, she isn't real. You are. You are Padme Naberrie, and I need to help you." Vader paused for a long moment before continuing. "Padme, you are strong, stronger than you know, and you can have control."
"You're Anakin." Padme blurted out.
"I was." Vader said, in a low voice.
"I met your mother Shmi and your father Cliegg Lars". Padme whispered

"My mother Shmi and my stepfather Cliegg Lars." Vader corrected.
"Get away from me, I need to leave here!"
"No, you're not leaving, Padme! You have nowhere else to go!:"
"You... you require my honesty, but you... you lied to me!"
"I protected you! I will always protect you!"
"Get away from me!"
"I apologize, Padme. I should have killed your teacher Tejas when I had the opportunity. I thought he would take care of you like a father is supposed to take care of a daughter. I didn't know he would sell you. It took me years to find you, I'm sorry it took me years to track you down at that horrible club."

"I'll find a place to go, I can't look at you!"
"If you vow to me that you will not try to leave this house, I will leave your room right now. If you leave, I will find you, Padme."
"Vader, if you leave this room right now, I am not leaving. I will stay here, and try to sleep tonight. This I vow." Vader stepped back, and exited the room, Within moments, Threepio entered the room. His instructions were clear.

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