My King

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Like a sunrise
You reveal a new beginning
A journey long, old. Everything cold
Made anew in your presence. Warm
With a heart of gold
You're value indescribable
Your love indefineable
Tired and weary
I remain walking, teary
With abd without you the world remains spinning

Like a sunset
You bring hope for a new day
Drawing peace to my unrest
In the darkness, your love hinting a new way
Your arms, my home. My nest
I inch closer
Unsure of North, South, East and West
All inside, direct to you. My closure
It is within you, that i find my place of rest
Dwelling in the secret place, my life accepting foreclosure

Like a blooming flower in spring
In synchronized melody, nature sings
Leaning my ear towars you, the ultimate composer
Without you, vulnerable to the opposer
Heart vibrating to your songs
Knowing where it belongs
From broken to whole
Filling the hole in my soul
Made free, with soaring wings
Born new. New to all things

Like a cool breeze in the summer
Nowhere to be seen, but inescapably everywhere
The plants and trees humming
The insects strumming
The animals drumming
In unison. Everywhere. All at once
Random in every way, yet perfectly in sync
A song of all songs
Halleluja they sing
The King is coming.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 28, 2023 ⏰

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