Fall of an Empire

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A loud concussive explosion shook throughout the massive ship, pristine white hallways splitting in half, black tinted glass shattered, sparks and smoke pouring from the singed light fixtures and electronic panels. Debris fell and bodies floated in the vacuum of space, large metal doors sealing the split vessel shut.

Av422076923 shook her head as she tried to stand, the ringing in her pointed ears causing her a horrendous headache. Or maybe that was the gash she'd just received from the falling metal ceiling panel, her dark violet blood running down her forehead and blinding her left eye. She looked around at her surroundings and she was filled with dread, her entire squad was dead. Her captain Av278897630, Bv790324555, Bv343378229, Jv267386691, Av193462747 and even the newbie Pv578936224.

Wincing as she placed a shaking hand on her wound to stop the bleeding, Av4 stood up and began limping towards the nearest viewing port and looked out to surmise the damage. And she saw that the flag ship was completely torn asunder, split into three main pieces. In the epicenter of the blast was a dark pulsing shape wreathed in flames of purple and Blue, a wormhole…

Av4's green eyes were wide with shock as the top half of the flagship began drifting towards the vortex, chunks of metal and debris collapsing and contorting as it came into contact with the deadly phenomenon. Anything that entered would surely be crushed, and a large jolt in her side of the ship made her realize that she would soon be entering the gravity field as well.

She immediately began limping towards the science wing, only one person on her mind as she scuttled through the ruined halls. Ev375861557, or Ev3 for short. As the ship lurched again Av4 stumbled against the wall and cried out in great pain, realizing one of her four arms was broken on the right.

She could feel a hot pain in her side as well, and looked down to see a piece of her armor had broken and stabbed her ribcage, so much for protection. The thing that was supposed to keep her alive was fast becoming a hindrance, as its weight slowed her and added to her exhaustion.

Blood drew as she bit into her lip with her sharp teeth, gripping the jagged piece of Styrellion Armor. Ripping the shard out and feeling her blood pour out her side, her shaky left hand grabbed her emergency cauterization patch and slapped it on the open wound. She screamed as her flesh was singed back together, then she removed her broken chest plate allowing her to breath easier again.

"Ev3!" She rasped painfuly. "I'll save you!" And she continued her trek down towards the science wing, noticing the lights flickering on and off. "I just hope the teleporters still have power." As she thought of their only possible escape, Av4's thoughts drifted to her Empress Sitra Neuvelle. She wondered if she had escaped using her private teleporter, though Av4 was pretty certain that the reactor was on their chunk of ship, meaning the bridge likely had no power.

The florescent lights of the science wing blinded Av4 as she opened the door, this part of the ship in just as much disarray as the rest. There were sparks flying from the ceiling and computers smashed on the ground, the floor coated in a sticky purple tinted liquid that Av4 recognized. Cloning fluid.

And sure enough, there were Savaronian clone bodies strewn about the floor next to shattered stasis tanks. They ranged in age from infant, to teenager to almost fully grown. It broke Av4's heart to see so many of her sisters dead, but she couldn't dwell on that, she needed to find Ev3.

And there in the corner, she saw a Savaronian woman that looked identical to her but wearing a white jumpsuit and a long white lab coat. Her lavender skin looked pale like she had lost a lot of blood, and her legs were pinned under a table. Clutched in her four arms was a small purple tank with a small infant in it.

Av4 lifted the table using three of her arms, then examined Ev3's right leg. It was clearly broken, and losing blood at a dangerous rate. Av4 gently brushed the messy black hair out of her sister's face, wanting to cry at how weak she looked. She took her sealant gun, and sprayed the leg wound with a pink foam like substance that hardened in seconds.

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