
17 1 0

Hello, thank you so much for checking out my story. As you can see it's in progress, and if I'm honest it's not thought through to the end. I hope nonetheless you can join me on this journey as a writer to learn and grow. Don't be afraid of offering constructive criticism, it's much sought after here.
If you even have plot suggestions I will be here to listen and possibly add your suggestion to the story.

I will be editing, adding and updating as time goes on. This was my third draft, it's my favorite so far and I hope you enjoy it as much as I did writing it.

R.A.M  ~  7/28

The story is ever changing and evolving. If you don't like it the first time be aware that it might have changed since the last time you saw it. As I feel myself become more and more confident about my writing to the point that I am trying new things I was afraid to do earlier in the process. Just be patient with me and I am always open to tips thanks!

R.A.M ~ 7/31

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