Chapter 2: Falling in Love, and Doing it Again

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Three months later Damoin makes his way to find Chris and finds him. "Chris are you okay are you hurt" he says running up to Chris and the shorter male nods. "I'm fine thanks" he says and then the taller male stops moving, stands up and turns to leave and that's when Chris noticed Wesker. 

"Wesker we watched you die" "I know and now I have a new friend to play with" Wesker answers Chris and points to Damoin. "After he escaped Raccoon city I picked him up, him still being brainwashed of course and still is" Wesker says putting his hand on the snipers shoulder, making him flinch a little.

"Stop, let him go Albert, let him choose a side not brainwashed" Chris pleaded but Wesker said no. "Let me tell you something, Damoin was in the Military and Umbrella took him away from his little brother, his parents and the Military. Another thing his last name is Nivans, full name Damoin" Wesker says looking at Damoin for an answer.

"J-Jacob D-Damoin N-Nivans, and- AGH, C-Chris h-help me plea-please" Damoin says asking Chris for help out of this pain. Wesker had already left, and Damoin started to fall, Chris caught him. 

Chris found a lump in his neck, then Chris took one of Damoin's combat knives and pulled out a control chip that Umbrella made. "Damoin are you okay, please wake up" Chris says patching up the small wound.

"C-Chris what happened." "You were a sleeper agent for Umbrella and Wesker was using it to his own good" Chris replied to the taller male as he let out an oh. But secretly he loved Chris but never told anyone, anything.

"Hey, I found Claire, she got herself into more trouble and for the female Ashford Twin" Chris says and gets up to leave. "You coming, I could use the help" Chris speaks up turning to his friend, "Chris, I lied to you for years to all  of you, I don't know how you can trust me" Damoin says earning a hug from the man he secretly loved.

Chris could hear Damoins heart beating faster and that's when it hit the shorter male that the taller male was in love and it was with him. "Damoin, I love you and I don't blame you for lieing you didn't remember anything" Chris says, making Damoin look at him confused.

"I-I love you too, and sure I can help, but what if I try to kill you again" "You wont Damoin, and if Wesker try's it again I will be the one to save you" Chris and Damoin finish their little talk and left to go save Claire and try to slow down Wesker.

When they reach the facility they find Claire and Wesker. "Wesker this is for the Five years you keeped me imprisoned" Damoin says firering a shoot and hit Wesker in the shoulder. "I got this ass-hole you go and find your sister" he speaks up and Chris nods leaving the two to fight.

Chris, Claire and Damoin leave the exploding island and Wesker on it as well. "Hi, I'm Damoin" the tall man says and Claire speaks up saying her name and they talk to each other the entire flight home.

"Claire stay safe please" "I will big brother and you two do it safe as well" Claire says making her big brother and Damoin blush. When Claire left Damoin faced Chris and kissed him, and Chris kissed back.

They made out for five minutes and both dedicated to get a small apartment in California and they started up the BSAA and with Damoin being the Captain to the new STARS unit. "Hey Chris, I uh would like to talk with you, but can we walk on the beach" Damoin says and Chris agrees.

As they were walking on the beach Damoin stops and goes down on one knee. Then Chris kissed the kneeling man and said yes. They go married early nineteen-ninety-nine and loved spending time together. But three years later and they keeped agrueing and had gotten divorced. Everyone loved seeing them together and thought they were happy. 

When Damoin left the BSAA, he became a mersanery for hire, knowing he would be up against Chris and his team. Rebecca knew that Damoin still loved Chris and that goes for Chris as well. Claire contated her to try and reason with Damoin to try to make it up with Chris and Claire would try the same reasoning with her older brother.

"Damoin please just listen, BSAA needs you and so does Chris" "Becca, he doesn't need me, he is too much in his work to actually spend one dinner with me. He thinks I'm a waste of time and he also thinks stopping Umbrella is more important than me" "Chris doesn't actually think that Damoin" Rebecca says look into Damoins eyes and he starts crying.

Unknowing to Damoin, Rebecca had dialed Chris' number and Chris heard what Damoin said and he knew he hurt him by the way the younger male sounded. "Look Damoin how about, you two go for dinner tonight. It's been three months if he doesn't show up you don't have to come back and vice versa" Rebecca says and to her and Chris' surprise he said yes.

*Later that night*

Damoin was at the restrant the Rebecca and Claire chosen and he sees Chris walking to the entrance. "Reservation for two and I think the other is already here" Chris says and the hosts show him to the table. 

"Chris" "Damoin" they say greeting each other, "look I have been a dick to you and you didn't deserve it and I am so sorry" Chris starts and Damoin replies "I am sorry too, but-" Chris cuts him off by kissing him.

"I love you too much, when Claire told me that you were following someone" Chris speaks up and Damoin replies once again "I will tell you the details after super at my place" and Chris agrees.

After they eat and Chris pays, they walk to Damoins place and  Chris pushes him to the wall and kisses' him. "About the guy I'm following. His name is Glenn Arias, so far I have nothing but there is- ahh Chris please- is a few missing people that the last person to-to see them was Glenn. I will get some more leads on him but-but I will let you know" 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2023 ⏰

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