Chapter 7: VACATION

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Yo welcome back to my story

It's been 10 years since last chapter so Aiko, Sinacé, Ken and Kaede are all 15 and in those 10 years Aiko was working out/training with tanjiro and Ken was also working out/training with kyojuro so they have well toned bodies noticeable muscles and a 6 pack while Sinacé and Kaede have well ummmm assets that would make any boy drool over them. Tanjiro plans on going to the beach to relax and have fun with friends

Tanjiro: I'll be back I'm going to go talk to Kyojuro and Iguru about going to the beach okay.

Kanao and the kids: okay honey/dad

Tanjiro makes his way towards kyojuro's house and knocks

Hana: I'll get it (opens the door) oh hello Tanjiro what bring you to kyo's house?

Tanjiro: I just wanted to talk with him about something. May I?

Hana: yes of course come in, would you like some tea?

Tanjiro: that would be nice thank you

Kyojuro: ah hello Tanjiro what is it that you need?

Tanjiro: I just wanted to ask if you're free tomorrow?

Kyojuro: yes, I am why what's up?

Tanjiro: I was planning on taking my kids to the beach and was going to ask you and iguru if you wanted to come also?

Kyojuro: yes we will go thank you for the invitation Tanjiro.

Tanjiro: well I'll be on my way to speak with iguru and mitsuri about this.

Tanjiro asks them the same thing and iguru agrees.
Time skip to the next day

Everyone arrives at the beach and starts putting down towels and coolers down with sodas and water and a grill for the burgers and hot dogs

Tanjiro: come one Aiko let's go get changed to get into the ocean

Kanao: let's go Sinacé we need to change into our swimsuits me for Tanjiro and you for ~Ken~

Sinacé: MOM STOP PLEASE (blushing mess)

Everyone gets changed into their swimming trunks and swim suits to get the beach day started

Aiko: I'm thirsty I'm going to grab a soda anyone want anything?

Sinacé: I want one too

Kanao: I'll take a water sweetie

Tanjiro: I'll take a soda too son

Aiko goes to grab three sodas and a water for his family opens one for himself and starts drinking

Kaede: H-hey Aiko....

Aiko: (looks at her and almost chokes on the soda while in a blushing mess) h-hey Kaede y-you look s-sexy.

Kaede: (blushing too) y-you look h-hot.

Kaede grabs drinks for her Iguru and Mitsuri

Mitsuri: hihi is my daughter in love

Kaede: NO IM NOT *in mind at least I don't think so. Even then I doubt he has feelings for me*

Kanao: hey Aiko do you like mitsuri's daughter?

Aiko: drinking soda (nods yes but isn't paying attention to the question)

Tanjiro: 3......2.......1

Aiko: (spits out the soda onto tanjiro's face) HUH WHAT GAVE YOU THAT IDEA?

Kanao: Oh well you know the fact that you almost choked on soda when you went for the drinks?

Aiko: okay I do *in mind but I doubt she has any feelings for me*

Sinacé: enough with this let's go to the ocean and play volley ball

Everyone: YEAH

Everyone goes to the ocean and plays volley ball. Aiko and Sinacé vs Ken and Kaede they tied more than I can count. Kanao Vs Hana again they tied. Final round Tanjiro Vs Kyojuro.

Tanjiro: you ready to lose Kyojuro

Kyojuro: bring it Tanjiro

Tanjiro: *Total concentration Sun breathing fifth form: FIRE WHEEL*

Tanjiro scores a point

Kyojuro: *total concentration ESOTERIC ART, NINTH FORM: RENGOKU*

Kyojuro also scores. They keep going back and forth until they are tired and end up passing out but they tied in the end

They both wake up and start laughing at each other until kanao says

Kanao: is that Aiko with Kaede over there?

They both turned and it in fact is Aiko and Kaede but they are KISSING?

Tanjiro: where is Sinacé?

Kyojuro: now that you mention it I haven't seen Ken either?

Kanao and Hana are both smiling

Tanjiro and Kyojuro: why are you smiling like that

Kanao and Hana: points towards a towel under a big umbrella

Both Ken and Sinacé are cuddling under the umbrella everyone gets ready to go eat and go home. They all eat burgers and hotdogs and start packing up to go back home. Once the kamado's arrive home


Aiko: okay fine I was......

Boom cliffhanger. I'll continue the explanation next chapter thanks again to Melani641068 for giving me this awesome idea (p.s you're really good with coming up with these seriously thank you for helping me out in general I was gonna give up after chapter 5 but then you gave me ideas to continue this story so thank you a million times)

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 30, 2023 ⏰

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