|Chapter 7|

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A little while later, the boys showed up to the house. They had many bags filled with food.

"What's with all the bags?" I ask.

"It's food." Tom responds.

"But why so much?" I ask while rummaging through the bags.

"Because we need to minimize our time being outside. We don't know where the Hitsuri could be." Geörg responds.

"Ok, whatever." I say.

I pull out a bag of chips and sit down on the couch.

"Hey Bill. Did you stay in the house all day?" Gustav asks.

"No. I'd be bored out of my mind." I respond.

"Where did you go then?"

"I went to the club."

"I bet it was to get that girl's number."

My face heats up and I get a shade of red on my face.


Both Tom and Geörg run into the living room.

"I told you guys!" Tom yelled.

"Tom was right for the first time in history!" Geörg says.

"Give me my money Geörg." Tom says sticking out his hand.

"Did you guys seriously bet on that?" I ask.

"Yes. Is there something wrong?" Geörg responds.

"You guys act like children."I say laughing.

Tom gives Geörg the money and we all sit down to watch a movie.

(Time skip)

"Stop taking my chips. This is party size and you guys are hogging it." I say.

They all look at me and then take two handfuls.

"Stop!" I yell playfully.

"Sorry, but you don't have a big stomach like the rest of us." Geörg says.

"I do! I'm just annoyed at you guys for taking it all."

They all laugh and we continue watching the movie.

(Another time skip cuz im lazy)

When the movie finished, all of them went up to their rooms. But I stayed downstairs.

I'm looking at the text that Faith sent me.

Hey, do you want to hangout at the park at 7?

I respond quickly.

Sure! What day?

Tommorrow maybe?

That sounds good. See you tommorrow. Goodnight!

Goodnight Bill. :)

I'm smiling at the last text she sent me. I would finally be able to hangout with her. Just her and me. And hopefully, I won't see that stupid girl.

I'm still not tired so I decide to take a drive around town. The city lights are bright. And the wind is cool. It's so relaxing just to go on a ride, without any problems.

I've only gone on rides like this 3 times. And everytime I did go, I had to go late at night. And even if it might seem like nobody's out. There's always somebody watching. And it's usually always a person from a mafia sent out to lookout for us.

I spot one of the lookouts, and decide to go back home before anything happens. I have my gun, but I'd rather not get shot before I go to bed. I get home and get into bed. And I fall asleep quickly.

Authors note:

I just wanted to say sorry to anyone I texted at like 1-4 am. I was super high and didn't have any understanding of anything 💀. Sorry again.

Also, shoutout to k1llnova for putting up with me at 3 am 🙃

《Blood, Sweat, Tears 》Bill Kaulitz [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now