Chapter 3 - Kings & Gods

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Sophia teleported back to her home world. It was one of the largest continent that was hovering in the sky above the vast ocean on planet Gaia. Sophia teleported to an old ivory marbled runic circle supported by sky blue and ivory metallic pillars with runic writing just outside of the main gates. Three armored guards that had tabard of the kingdom's color of white and sky blue. A two white griffins looking at each other on their hind legs with a lighting bolt held on one of their front claws signifying strength, honor, and greatness. The blue representing the vastness of the blue sky that the king rule over, and the white castle battlement along the outside edges represents the people the kingdom that the king protects with his great power. This design was also on top of their on the front right shoulder guard of their armor and their rank on the other side. Two of the guards had spears and the last one had a futuristic handgun holstered on his hip. It looks like it can shoot lighting. There was two teleports in front of the gate which a mixed of different people, beast, and interesting people alike teleporting in and out the Sky Kingdom. The Sky Kingdom is open to most nations and factions. From the far side of the moon of the magical Dark Elves of Svartalfheim to distant universe of Ironhelm Prime of the Dwarven cyberpunk. In front of her was a gated wall. Inside the gated wall has a large mixed of stone marble and metal buildings. The guard with the pistol has said with a perfect monotonous practice said "Be ready to show your Passport, Proof of Citizenship, or Passes at the main gate". I walked towards the main gate and there was several check points. Some of them were inspection points for traders to go through and each of the points had guard scanning the documents that the people brought. I pulled my silver token emblem of the King's personal scout that had a picture of an Eagle holding a lighting bolt. The guard used a scanner looking gun to scanned it and with an audible beeped. The machine acknowledge and continued with "Welcome Sophia, The King's Eagle. You are summoned to the King's presence upon your arrival". The guard finally looked up and had a big smile. "Sophia! Its been a long time! Where have you been all this time?" The guard exclaimed with a deep hearty laugh and her gave a short but firm hug. "It has been awhile Tom. I had a bit of a snag but all is well. How have you been?" I asked "Everything has been quiet for the most part. Oh! since you been gone. We were part of one integration from the Cosmos. Oh! Also, I got promoted to Chief Inspector" Tom said with a big smile and tilting his should to show off his rank as Captain. "Congratulations!  Next time when we have time together, your buying drinks" I said half jokingly. "Haha~ yea yea, just hit me up the when you got the time." Tom replied. "I must be on my way and go see the King. I am expected to see him as soon as I arrive here. Its good to see you again. I see you later" I said as I started to wave and walk towards the castle.

As I went through the main gate, the air got more rich and dense. The sky was clear with a slight hue of blue, showing off the protective shield that was covering the entire city. The sky was bustling with flying creatures, magical ships, and spaceships. With a deep breathe, I said to myself "it feels great to be back home" and I couldn't help smiling to myself. There were large smooth buildings and roads. Mixture of stones, marbles, and colorful metals. Signs posted along the walls for services and product goods. People on the streets showing off their products with guards patrolling around. I navigated through the city, just as I remembered it. Though few things has changed since I been gone but for the most part stayed the same. Everything here looked mixed of fantasy and futuristic. Even the main part of the castle was built in the middle of the city with smooth metallic high walls and ivory marbled stairs. Looking up, the Kingdom's wall has banners along the wall of their flags being flown in the wind that was similar to the Tabards. There is a wide 1000 stairsteps that narrowed at the top of the main metallic double door. There were 4 guards per group together in sets that was patrolling with mixed arrays of weapons in their hands the main entrance. Other sets of guards crossed their halberds as I approached "Please show your identification and present your DNA" said the guard on the right. I presented my token with my right to be scanned and gave my left hand to a machine which scanned my bios. With a synchronize beep on both machines and a flash of green light. Both guards uncross their halberds, saluted at attention with their right hand balled into a fist over their heart.  The Guard said "You are clear to proceeds, please head to the King's Audience Chamber immediately". I salute in return and walk towards the familiar hall. Full of moving artworks, empty armors, and pictures of the King's heroic deeds. Eventually I have arrived at the main audience chamber door. I knock once on the door loudly. The sounds echo across the busy hallways. Inside the chamber an old but loud voice said "You may enter". The door slowly open, and I proceed to walk towards the center of the audience chamber. Beautifully high ceiling with moving arts of sky creatures flying around.  Unique carved ivory design of ancient creatures. The wall was aligned with well dressed gentlemen from their descending order from Dukes to Lords. King's Guards standing still between each nobility group. Above them is a flags that represented their nobilities from the Kingdom. The other end of the chamber was the King sitting on his throne which was on top of a flight of stairs. Full of ornate gems with blue and white velvet cushions. The King Zeus, who was wearing an ornate crown, robe, and his famous forged Spear, "Aegis" was next to him. The King Zeus may look like an older gentleman, but underneath his robe hides his large muscles. King Zeus has seen many wars in his lifetime and knowing Zeus, he didn't like dealing with political issues. Zeus was sitting there with a look of boredom and his chin resting on his knuckle. Listening to a list of concerns each of the Duke's issues on their lands. I halted on the base of the stairs and knelt before Zeus. Zeus lifted his hand to silence the speaker, then made a shooing motion to no-one in particular and said "Leave and I will summon you again once I have dealt with this matter". Everyone shuffled and left through the main entrance, except for the main guards that was behind Zeus. "Arise Sophia" Zeus said.

Once the room was empty, Zeus raised his head off of his knuckle and greeted Sophia with a smile "Welcome back Sophia. How was your tour with Earth? I hope the civilization there is transforming into a fine planet since I left". "Yes, my King, although there were some hic-ups along the way. Earth combat capabilities is ready for integration. Earth believes stories that was presented as myth, fictional book, or turned the stories into, what they called 'Video Games'. The magic there is weak and lacks potentials. I can see the possibilities of the Cosmos introducing magic, but people will have trouble adjusting to the new skill" I said. "As long the people are able to join together and fend off the invaders. And not die off, similar to Mars recent event. King Ares was irritated that his men loss Mars. Now its just a pile of rotting dust of metal planet. Ares and his people did not like the idea of moving to a random location which the Cosmos choose. From what I heard the planet it is worse than Mars aftermath." Zeus chuckled to himself. "Anyways, from what the Cosmos is instructing us, if the Earth Integrate successfully, then our nation will receive boon, if they decide to join us as suzerain to a vassal. Although sometimes the Cosmos will have plans of their own, but until then, we will be observing". "But their planet and the people are weak. They would be considered 'G' ranked and I don't believe they would create such a boon to our nation." I replied. Zeus then interrupted "Did you know our planet was much like theirs?", I shook my head. Zeus continued "It has taken us several decades of a millennia to even reach where we are today, and we are only an 'A' rank kingdom. Even today I know only a handful of 'S' tier countries. Most are a legend, even to myself. You've only been alive for only a faction of that time and you should appreciate where your standing within the kingdom. Its only recently after you completed your training that we sent you out to scout out Earth for the first time. A small world that could have potential as other Factions tries to influence their mark on Earth. We are limited on how we can influence each planet with the Cosmos guiding us." Curiosity struck me and I asked "Why must we abide the Cosmos? Couldn't we go against them and gain all the powers for ourselves?". Zeus looked amused at the question and said, "My child, its not that simple. The Cosmos is 'thee' system for creation, destructions, and war. The Cosmos was there before I was alive and it is to be rumored that the Cosmos was created by mortals, which the Cosmos taken upon itself to upgrade into an actual God. More powerful than their creator, the Cosmos could not be tamed and continues to seek power through an environment that the Cosmos has created, 'survival of the fittest'. Which in turn created powerful nations. Still...the Cosmos continues to grow and create stable environment for all nation to grow or fall. Or so what the legends has foretold." I nodded to try to process everything but had more questions than answers. Zeus took a deep breathe and sighed then continued, "Well Sophia, that is all the time I have for you. Its been nice to see a friendly face again, but I must attend the needs of my country men. Continue to monitor Earth and do your best not to intervene the Cosmos' instructions." I saluted with my right fist going over my heart, bowed slightly, and said "For the Sky Kingdom". I turned around and took my leave through the great door.

As I left the Castle, I decided to head towards the Armory to restock the necessary gear to watch and to help Earth if needed. I was limited to what I can do for them but the instruction was clear to everyone. Most of the people ignore the instructions because no-one wants to go against the Cosmos and even the Sky Kingdom itself. I decided to mentally pull-up my personal statues menu and willed over to the next tab over to review the Cosmos' instructions.  . The instruction states:

1.) Only verbal communication with Earth and its people.

2.) Can't use magic, and technology to alter their minds.

2.) No bribing or coercion to Earth and its people.

3.)  Cannot intervene with the 'Integration' process with Earth and its people.

4.)  Once integration is completed, you may continue to interact with the planet but to continue rules 1-3, as integrations will come at Cosmos digressions.

5.) The faith of the Earth will be determine by their own free will.

6.) Failure to comply will results in punishment and the punishment will be determined by the Cosmos itself.

7.) May the Cosmic light guide your path.

"Ha... let the Cosmic light guide your path. What did the Earth people tend to say. How cringed." I said to myself. Anyways, I need to hurry up and gather materials from the armory to watch the Integration and see what other world they will be going against. I am hoping that Earth will prevail but who knows what the Cosmos will throw at them.

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