Chapter 2

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The smoothie shop was pretty busy giving the time of day. It was almost 9:30 in the morning and the people were beginning to pour in.

This place was just as overwhelming as everytime she walked in. Ignoring the crowds she kept her eyes focused on the three employees behind the counter. The man of her dreams was right there, taking orders at the register. She felt her chest grow warm just by seeing him. Not even she knew how she had grown this fond of him.

Butterflies filled her stomach as she waited in line and stared up at the menu board. Tulip was always nervous in the moments leading up to their interactions. As the line grew smaller she felt her nerves begin to shake. Why was this so stressful! She watched as he did his seemingly normal job. God she dreamed of stuff like this, just a normal job. Titans Tower had been nothing but stress lately. Her job had stakes and lives on the line, but standing in that silly little shop made her feel so small. It was nice.

She stepped up to the counter.

"How ya doing, what can I get you?" The boy asked at the counter. He picked up his head fully to look at her and he went through the motions of recognition. His eyes widened and a faint smile tugged at his lips that he tried to hide.

"Hi!" Tulip had said looking up again at the board. She'd been standing there for over ten minutes and hadn't actually read the damn sign. She squinted looking up at the massive board. She began to ask him "Have you tried-"

"The number seven?" He had cut in and guessed. There was an expectant smile on his face. He stole the words from right out of her mouth and left her awestruck.

"How did you know?" She was shocked. Completely and totally. It was like he read her mind.

"I mean, you've been going down the list in order for the last week so I just assumed that-" he said sheepishly. He rubbed the back of his neck and let out an awkward laugh. His smile was wide and captivating. At least to her. Tulip found herself enthralled just looking at him.

Tulip could of sworn that it was the cutest thing she'd ever heard. "No no you're fine! I just wasn't expecting you to guess like that!" She said taking in his nervous stance. She became hyper aware of her own posture within seconds. "Yeah I don't really like smoothies so I'm trying to find one I like" she explained looking at the male.

He looked different today. That being because he was actually wearing the stupid little visor that went along with his uniform. The dark black was a contrast against his hair, it matched his apron perfectly. It had the same neon green lettering.

"I can make a custom one for you?" He offered. "Try and make one you'd like" he said reaching out and grabbing a cup from the side and uncapping his marker.

"Really?" Tulip asked, the thought alone sounded promising. It felt almost intimate. He was going out of his way and doing something special just for her. Was she not supposed to feel flattered?

"Yeah sure" he said casually. He took a deep breath and looked at the girl before him. Her bright makeup and colorful clothes did little to hide his suspicions. The more she came in the more he thought about it. Everything seemed to just be too coincidental. Derek placed his pen down and shook his head."ugh, I'm sorry I really have to ask. Are you really that one Titan?" He asked both of his hands resting on the counter ledge as he gave a worried smile. "My coworker keeps swearing you're that clown girl" he said turning to look at his one coworker who was as matter of fact intently watching them both.

Her face lit up. He recognized her. He knew who she was! For a split moment she was slightly embarrassed from the attention. "I am actually, yeah" She said quietly. "I'm Trickster yeah..." she confessed nodding awkwardly.

"That's pretty neat" he said cooly. He looked into her eyes and then down to the cup on in his hands, he began to scribble on it. A devious smile on his face as he wrote on it. He looked up "Alright then, Trickster, what can I get for ya?" He asked brightly. "What are we looking to try?" Derek asked. The male looked at the expression on her face. She was deep in thought, so he let her take her time. He continued his doodle onto the cup.

After a few minutes of discussion and listing pros and cons. They settled on the mix for the day. However in a few minutes it would come clear that it wasn't their winning ticket. As a matter of fact the next week would be spent this way every morning.

But still, as Tulip waited for her drink to finish being made she looked at the boy behind the counter she'd been talking to. She watched him move casually and swiftly, like he'd done this a thousand times before. It made her question just how long he'd been working there. He looked like he could do this in his sleep.

Before she knew it, the mystery smoothie was completed and was being presented to her by none other than the guy she'd been fussing over for weeks now. He placed it down on the counter. She picked it up happily, more than ready for another days attempt.

She looked at the cup in her hand and she had to stifle her laughter. His drawing and her name now shown to her.


It had said. Not only did he know of her, he knew her well, apparently. Back before the Trickster was well, Trickster, during her early teen years she went by a different name. When she'd first started messing around with the clowns of Gotham she'd picked up the name Hysteria. However she had felt she'd outgrown it. So now, she went by Trickster. Simple as that. "I don't go by that name anymore." She told him off hand.

Derek turned to face her. A dumb look on his face as he lied and passed off his comment: the urge to make a sad joke wasn't able to be ignored. "Really? Why not? I thought it was hysterical?" He shot back, grinning ear to ear.

If she wasn't so into him she wouldn't of laughed at all, but she was smiling so wide her cheeks ached. "That was terrible!" She laughed looking at him. "But the drawings cute" she told him nodding along.

"Good. Glad you like it" he said clasping his hands before him. He was growing nervous. "I'll be here tomorrow if you want to try another?" He said it like it was a question. But he saw the way she smiled at him, it told him enough.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2023 ⏰

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