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Nezuko had awoken to the smell of blood

It hung in the air around her and it enticed her, she slowly cracked open an eye and was met with carnage inside her house from looking in, the walls were covered in blood, the dead members of her family thrown about and propped up against the walls, her little brother-Rokuta-in her arms wasn't breathing, she turned her head and the sight she was met with was Tanjiro, a dead Tanjiro, he was only a couple meters away but it looked just like his body was cut in half.

Nezuko felt the twinge of hunger and itching in her gums were she had newly developed fangs, she wanted human, but the second that thought crossed her mind she shook it off, no, she was not going to eat her family! She slowly got up-ignoring the hunger in her gut-and craddled the dead Rokuta in her arms, she found a nice spot next to the house and started digging.

It took about an hour but she had finally dug a hole big enough for her family, she took their corpses from the house and snow with care, taking Tanjros earrings (pretend he had them already) and his haroi, then burring them it that same hole, covering them, she got down on her knees and silently prayed-it seemed she could no longer speak (remember to at least)-and instead of crying she just felt empty, like there was this pit in her heart never to be filled, just always empty.

When The Water Hashira-Giyuu Tomioka-arrived on sight she was not expecting to she a demon on her knees praying at what looked like a hand made grave, she was a new demon and by the looks of her no older than 12. Tomioka approached with care ready to strike the demon down if she makes to attack.

Nezuko heard shuffling behind her, she turned her head and saw a shortish woman with ravenie blue hair in an updo and a half n half haroi, their eyes connected for a second and Giyuu saw nothing in her eyes, no emotions in sight, Nezuko watched with caution as the woman made her way forward still ignoring the hunger pulling away at her, the woman finally spoke "Why aren't you attacking demon?" Nezuko cocked her head to the side at that, demon? She was a demon? Nezuko didn't awnser-she couldn't-so instead she started getting to her feet, the woman drew her blade as she saw the demon making her way towards her, Nezuko didn't know this woman but she gave off a calming aura so she was drawn to her, as the slowly made her way forward, she started shrinking until she was no taller than about 60-70cm (1.9-2.2ft) she looked up at Tomioka with curious eyes, showing at least some emotion, Giyuu didn't sense any harmful intentions from the demon, she just seemed like a lost little girl, "Whose graves were those?" At that question sadness seemed to make its way into the girls eyes, she pointed to the house with blood covered walls and pointed to herself "Dead family members...?" Giyuu asked, the girl nodded "Did you do this?" The girl quickly shook her head denying it. Giyuu couldn't believe what she was about to do, it was going to make her break so many demon corps rules, but she asked anyway "Would you like to come with me?" The little demon seemed to perk up at that and nodded her head, Giyuu put her sword in her holster but kept her guard up, she asked the demon to sit here while she went to get something, Giyuu looked around until she found supplies to make a muzzle, (the one she usually wears) she brought it back to the girl and put it on her, the demon looked up questionly "Just incase" Giyuu replied, she needed to do this quick as the sun is not far away, so she picked her the little demon-surprisingly light-and jumped up into the trees and away towards the-

Butterfly Mansion

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2023 ⏰

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