2: Kai

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     "It's Kai!" A girl with blue braids exclaimed. The girl next to her was frozen- literally. "Peony? Peony! Snap out of it!" The blue braid girl said. "Hi, Kai! I'm Iko, and this is my step sister, Peony." Kai was about to ask how she knew him, because all three of them were obviously first-year students. Then he remembered that his dad was the Minister of Magic. "Hi. Does anyone know how to fix my robot?" He asked, pulling out a small drone that was his favorite one. "Oh, my other stepsister -Not Pearl, she's my actual sister and really rude- my other stepsister Cinder is really good with robots and fixing things. She's a first-year wearing gloves and is probably on a tablet or playing with a robot." Peony, finally back in reality, said. "Thanks!" Kai said.

     This had to be the last room. Inside there was a girl with messy brown hair and gloves, talking to a short girl with the longest hair Kai had ever seen in reality. "Hey, do you know a girl named Cinder? 2 girls said she would be wearing gloves and on a tablet or playing with robots." "Let me guess. Iko and Peony?" The brown haired girl asked. "Yes." "I'm Cinder, and this is Cress. Do you have something for me to fix?" "Yeah, my drone Nainsi." Cinder took it and banged it against the wall and Cress jumped. Nothing happened to the drone, and Kai started wondering if Iko and Peony were trying to prank him. That would be something that Thorne would have done. "Huh. You'd be surprised at how often that works." She banged it again and a small chip came out. "That doesn't look like any chip I've ever seen." She powered the drone on, and this time it worked. "Thanks," Kai said. "No problem. You're Kai, right?" "Yes, and does your sister Peony always freeze up when meeting people?" "No, she froze up because you're the Minister's son." "Oh. Well I have to go. Bye!"

Hey guys! Enjoy another chapter! Also, more comments might mean more chapters! :D

Also, sorry my chapters are short. Tell me if you want longer chapters!

Have an amazing day!

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