Wanda Maximoff

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Credits to: Seashell57

You and Wanda had become closer throughout your time at the tower. Ever since Ultron, You had felt a connection to her that you hadn't felt in a long time. She would often wake you up from nightmares and comfort you, and you would do the same. This developed into sleeping in each other's rooms.

Last night, You woke up hearing Wanda screaming and quickly rushed into her room to find her eyes all red and puffy. She looked up at you, and she looked like a scared child. All you wanted was to go and hug her and tell her it was going to be ok; that's exactly what you did.

She had cuddled into your side as you laid next to her and drew circles around her palm. Although she was scared and the moment was tense, you couldn't help but smell her hair with the hint of lavender and vanilla. It was perfect; just like her.

As time passed, you continued to circle your thumb over her palm and hush continuous reassuring words into her ear. When you were sure she was asleep, you decided with the feeling of her next to you, It was ok to sleep.


You began to wake and noticed a faint feeling of air on your neck. Glancing over, Wanda's face was cuddled next to your neck and her hair was fallen loosely around her face. She looked amazing and you wished you could have admired her longer, however, she slightly stirred next to you.

"Hey sleepy. How did you sleep?" You whispered. She was still waking up and clearly was a little confused before realizing where she was.

"Good. You didn't have to stay here last night." She paused, seeming to search her mind with what words to use next. "I'm sorry for waking you last night. I didn't mean to disturb you." Is that was she thought? That she was a burden? You couldn't believe she would ever think she was a burden to you.

"Hey-" You had tilted her head to look at you. "-Don't you ever. Ever. Think you are a burden to me. Ok?" You waited for her slight nod in response before continuing. "I will always help you when you need and please don't ever think you are being a burden."

"Ok." She whispered, just loud enough for you to hear. "I don't know if this is a bad time, but I'm kinda hungry." You laughed a little in response to that. I wonder if Steve made anything for breakfast already?

"No, I am too." You replied, slightly shifting onto your arms. "We should probably get out of bed soon then." Looking down, you saw as Wanda grumbled a bit before shifting to her arms like you.

After what seemed like an eternity, she slid her legs off the bed and pushed herself up. You watched her go to her dresser to pick out an outfit, before continuing into her bathroom. This seemed like a good time for you to do the same.

You got up and moved to walk to your room. It was a very short walk, as your room was next door.

Tony had moved you next to hers when he saw how close you two had gotten after Ultron. You were grateful for this as it allowed you to comfort Wanda easier, or vice-versa.

You had entered through and walked straight to your dresser. Grabbing a simple olive green t-shirt and some black joggers. You had training with Nat later so no need to look nice. Walking into the bathroom, you looked in the mirror, noticing the slight eye bags underneath your (E/C? Eyes.

That was a problem for another time though. Right now you had to brush your teeth, get your hair out of your face, and return to Wanda's room so you two could get breakfast.

After a few minutes of wrestling your hair and finishing getting ready, you had returned to Wanda's room to see her finishing up as well.

"Are you ready?" She called, looking at you from her bathroom doorway.

"Yep." Your stomach had started grumbling right after your response. "I think my stomach is ready too." She had laughed a little at your comment and the little noise made your heart flutter in a way you didn't know it could.

She walked over to you and interlocked her fingers in yours. Your breath had hitched slightly at the contact as you adjusted your hand in hers. Is she trying to get closer? No, she wouldn't. She's just being a good friend. Right?

"Wanda?" Your voice sounded so pathetic, you swore she didn't hear it. However, her head turned to face you, with big concerned eyes. "Can I kiss you?" You wanted to punch yourself for saying the words so openly. That wasn't what you had wanted to ask.

She had looked slightly taken aback and you quickly went to apologize before she responded. "Yes."


"I said yes." Your heart had felt a release of pressure and you leaned in. Brushing your lips against hers softly. Her lips felt like honey as she cupped your cheek and kissed back. It was perfect.

"That was really nice." the words had come out before you realized and you had felt a blush coming on your cheeks.

"I agree." She had the same blush on her cheeks. "We should do it more often."

"I think that can be arranged." You smiled before interlacing your fingers again and pulling her down the hallway. "Now can we go get Breakfast? I'm starving." You saw her roll her eyes before laughing and following right behind you.

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