I Need Your Help

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When they finally arrived at Ichigo's house, he threw the passenger door open before Grimmjow had even come to a complete stop. He could see plumes of smoke curling upwards into the air and he felt his heart beating against his chest a mile a minute. He took off towards the large crowd that was formed between the fire engines and ambulances, pushing his way through desperately. When he finally made it to the front, he nearly started to sob at what he saw. The whole house was wrapped in angry flames, from the clinic to the garage on the opposite side. He knew that if they hadn't gotten Yuzu out in time she'd be gone. He tried to push his way forward but he was stopped by a policeman.

"Please, that's my house! My sister might still be inside!" he screamed as he felt tears stinging his eyes.

"Onii-chan!" His head snapped to the left, eyes catching Yuzu. She sat on the back of an ambulance, a blanket wrapped around her shoulders and a mask over her mouth.

"Yuzu! Please let me through, sir!" he pleaded. The policeman relented and allowed Ichigo to move forward. He ran towards Yuzu, wrapping his arms around her tightly. Yuzu returned his hug full force, as she spoke frantic Japanese.

"I was so scared onii-chan!" she cried, her voice muffled by the mask she wore. Ichigo spoke back to her in Japanese as he stroked her hair.

"I'm sorry I wasn't here, Yuzu. I'm so happy you're alright; I don't know what I'd do if something happened to you."

"Nii-chan, who is that man?" she asked gesturing toward the crowd. Ichigo turned to see Grimmjow arguing with the same police officer he'd had trouble with. He went over and tapped him on the shoulder.

"Would you mind letting my cousin through please?" he asked politely. The policeman sighed and allowed Grimmjow to get through. The blue-haired man grumbled under his breath death-glaring the officer as he brushed past. Ichigo chuckled at Grimmjow's actions as they headed back towards Yuzu. She stared curiously at Grimmjow and Ichigo, but she kept quiet. A fireman approached them, tapping Ichigo's shoulder.

"You're Ichigo Kurosaki?"

"Yes sir," he responded.

"Alright, we'd like you to contact your father and let him know what's going on. Your neighbor who made the phone call tried but was unable to reach him. Your sister got out before the fire spread too much, but she'll still need to be taken to the hospital to make sure there's no injuries and that she hasn't been affected by smoke inhalation. You'll need to ride with her. . ."

Ichigo nodded as the fireman gave more instructions, making mental notes to call his dad and find a way to get Karin to the hospital. The major problem he was having was where they would go. Obviously there would be no salvaging anything from their house, and he couldn't book a hotel room, since he was still a minor. This was turning out to be quite the stressful day.

When the fireman was done talking, the EMTs began to strap Yuzu in for her ride to the hospital. Ichigo turned to Grimmjow.

"I don't think they'll let you ride," he said. Grimmjow nodded.

"No problem, I'll follow."

"You know you don't have to, right?" Blue eyes rolled before Grimmjow flicked Ichigo's forehead.

"Get on the damned ambulance and stop asking me stuff like that," he said, a playful grin on his lips. Ichigo smiled back.

"Alright, see you there."

Once they arrived at the hospital, the EMTs rolled Yuzu inside; Ichigo waited after he'd ensured Yuzu that he'd be inside soon. Grimmjow's car pulled up shortly after, the blue-haired man stepping out and heading towards Ichigo instantly.

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