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I saw a twitter notification pop up, it wasn't any notification it was a dm.

I immediately opened it then checked who it was, it was Ranboo.

"Hey! Loved the way you played. I was really nervous about the whole thing but you made it really funny. Hope we can hang out some time, add me on discord?" He messaged me.

I immediately got his discord user from my other friends, then added him making sure it didn't seem like I would ignore him.

I wanted the chance to have new friends.


Woah! Hey, that was quick!

Yea, I didn't want to seem like I was ignoring you

Your fine! Don't worry about it!
Want to vc?


What did I mean sure? It was almost twelve on a Sunday night!

I have school in the morning!

I heard my phone buzzing drawing me out of my mind once again, I quickly press accept.

"Hey, Dahlia!" He said happily.

I yawn, "Hello, Ranboo." I replied smiling at my phone.

It was nice to vc somebody other than Caiti, Aimsey, or Bill.

"Are you tired? I'm sorry if this is kind of random." Ranboo apologized as I laid down resting.

I set my phone down next to me, making sure he could still hear me.

"No, your fine! I don't mind it." I replied feeling my eyes get heavier.

I would usually tell people to call me Lia, but it was funny watching him constant call me Dahlia.

"Alright, if you insist." He said before rambling about lemon demon and record labels.

"I work at a record shop." I mumbled about to fall asleep.

"Really? That's cool! What do you do?" He asked.

"I usually tune guitars since people mess with them a lot. Once in awhile I'll listen to a few songs when I'm working alone." I explained smiling.

He seemed interested, he continued talking till I fell asleep. His voice becoming quieter in my ear.

I couldn't tell if I was imagining him going quiet or if he realized I fell asleep and decided to be quiet.


I went quiet, I said their name a few times and they didn't answer so I figured they were asleep.

I muted to make sure I didn't accidentally wake them up.

I haven't fell asleep with somebody on the phone since Toby and I were close.

I silently scrolled on Twitter looking at love or host memes. I knew I was on mute but I still felt like I had to be quiet.

By this point it was around six in the morning, I heard an alarm going off which made me check the call.

"Fuck.." they mumbled.

I'm guessing they picked up their phone, "Oh shit- your still here.. hi Ranboo." They said laughing slightly.

I unmuted, "Hello, Dahlia. Did you sleep well?" I asked.

"Mm, no. I never do." They said laughing.

I've never heard somebody so giggly in the morning, "Are you a morning person?" I asked curious to the laughter.

"I'm a morning and night person." They replied yawning.

"Oh are you now? Well why are you up so early?" I asked interested in what they had to say.

"Ranboo.. I forgot to mention, I lied about my age to get on love or host." They said in a soft quiet voice.

My heart sank.

"What do you mean? How old are you?" I asked, it'd be horrible if I was talking to a legit child, and by child I mean like fourteen.

"I'm sixteen," They replied still quieter than before.

"Oh thank god, I just didn't want to be a weirdo for talking to a kid." I said try to catch my breath.

"So you're up because you have school, I'm guessing?" I asked still a little confused to the time.

"Yea, but I really don't want to go." They whined complaining.

"Sucks to suck." I laughed at myself.

"You're so unfunny, it's funny. Can I just skip?" They asked.

"I mean, is anyone going to stop you? What will you do if you skip?" I asked them hoping they are at least going to get out of the house.

"Hmm, I can go hang out with bill... or walk around Brighton.." They mumbled all their thoughts out loud.

"Come to my house, I wanna hang out with you. I have a few game ideas for streams, maybe we can stream." I said throwing the idea out.

They gasp, "Oh my god! You're so right! I can piss you off in real life!" They yelled happily.

"I don't get mad easily, unless it's mcc related." I replied laughing.

"I'll get inside your head somehow." They said confident that they can upset me.

"I have to act like I'm going to school.." They mumbled.

"Take your current stuff out of your book bag and put in your laptop and stuff you want to bring to my house." I replied.

"Right," They said, I could hear them stuffing stuff from in their book bag under the bed.

"Alright, I'm ready. Send me your address." They said forcefully after thirty minutes.

"Alright, see you soon." I said sending the address.

"Bye bye, Ranboo." They said, I could hear their smile through the phone.

"Bye, dahlia!" I replied smiling.

Then I waited for them to hang up, I couldn't do it myself.

DEFENSELESS ; ranboo Where stories live. Discover now