(depression thoughts)Imagine being a tree🌲

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Imagine beeing a tree. A big apple tree.
Imagine being able to give someone shade during a hot summer.
Imagine giving the one gas all animals and humans can't live without, oxygen.
Imagine being able to produce the most juiciest apples.
Imagine being a beautiful scenery in a picture.
Imagine being able to give someone peace of mind as they walk past.
Imagine being a home to birds and other creatures.

Trees, something humans and other creatures can't live without. But....

Imagine not being able to move.
Imagine having to edure the hot sun.
Imagine not being watered, rained on.
Imagine being drowned in the rain, without an umbrella, for more than 3 days.
Imagine not having anyone water you when you're dying for water.
Imagine not being able to communicate with anyone, anything.
And then.......
Imagine being in a forest fire, being burned down along with all of the other trees.
Imagine being cut down mercilessly.
Just imagine.......

Be grateful for who you are and human you are in this world.

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