9 • C R A Z Y - Y O U • 9

10 1 0

Katelin Jones
10/2/23 (Monday)

"Happy second day of October!"

I walk into Abby's room at 6:30 while she's still asleep.

I open up the curtains, seeing that the sun is just starting to make its appearance. "Today is gonna be such a great day, I can feel it-"

I hear a sniffle.

That's when I notice the covers are over Abby's head, like she's hiding.

I sit down on the edge of her bed and rubb her leg slowly. "What's the matter, baby?"

After a couple more seconds, she speaks up. "I miss daddy." It's almost too hard for me to understand what she is saying. But because it's not such a foreign phrase to the both of us anymore...

I clear my throat. "Would you like to stay home today?"

She nodds.

I kiss the top of her head that is sticking out of the covers, and get up to leave. "Let me know if you need anything. Sleep as long as you need."

I shut the door, and decide to go for a jog. Since I'm already up, I might as well get some exercise. The air outside is cool as I went to check it, but not brutally cold like the winters will soon be.

I come back to my bedroom to change into the proper attire, and my new sneakers.

When I stepped outside, it was still a little bit darker than I would've liked, but I was okay with it anyway. I spent about five minutes stretching, and finally started my journey.

I was very caught up in my own thoughts the whole time. Ideas ranging from what I needed to buy at the grocery store later, to how Abby is doing...

To Henry.

I found a bench nearby at the end of a sidewalk in an unfamiliar neighborhood, and sat down for a break. I was glad I'd brought a water bottle with me, and drank from it.

After taking a few more minutes to catch my breath, I stood back up to start jogging back home.

The homes I was passing by were beautiful - It distracted me from thinking about how much my muscles were aching. The area was quiet, besides the sound of the busy city in the distance. Until I heard a door opening.

I kept jogging and looked over, seeing someone leaving their house. I was about to wave to the person when I recognized the guy.


I kept jogging, half hoping he wouldn't see me. But of course he does.

I stopped in my tracks and watched him walk down the driveway towards me, picking up the newspaper on the way. He was in a robe. "Hey there,"

"Hi," I said.

He lifted an eyebrow. "What are you doing?"

"Well, with all due respect, what does it look like?"

He chuckles at my response. "I mean why are you up so early?"

"Oh," I sighed. "My daughter didn't want to go to school this morning after I went to wake her up. I decided since I was already awake I'd get some exercise."

He folds his arms. "How come I've known you for nearly three weeks and I didn't know you had a daughter?"

I shrugged, and brushed off the question. "How come I didn't know you lived so close by to me?"

I checked my watch, then laughed. "I guess you're not that close. I've been out here for an hour."

He smiled. "Can I take you home?"

"I'm fine walking, but thanks,"

"Really, I don't mind. If you've been jogging for an hour, it'll take you longer to walk back home."

I shook my head. "I'll just walk back to the metro buses to get a ride there. See you at work."

I started walking away, and I heard him laughing. "Bye, Katelin."


When I get home, I go straight to the kitchen to get some water. I found Abby sitting at the island eating breakfast, looking very melancholy. "Hi baby." I said. "You wanna stay home for the rest of the day still?"

She nodded. "Yeah. I'm sorry,"

I gave her a side hug since I was all sweaty. "You have nothing to apologize for. But I do have to go into work, will you be okay?"

She nods.

I go upstairs after eating my breakfast, and take a quick shower. I wanted to try and get that food shopping in before work, so I made sure I had enough time before getting in. Abby usually likes going with me, so after I'm done I'll be sure to ask her if she wants to go with.

It was 8:45 when we left the house.


I was only two minutes late walking into work. I was late because I was spending a lot of time with Abby before leaving to make sure when I left, she was happy.

I caught Prince at the coffee station upstairs. "Hey again, Katie."

I frowned. "Katie?"

"Yeah. Katelin, Katie. Don't people call you that here?" He asked.

"I mean, people call me Kate. I've never really been called Katie." I said.

"Oh... sorry," He seemed a little embarrassed.

I shook my head. "No, don't apologize... I kinda like it. Something new for a change."

He leaves the room to go to his office while I make my own coffee, thinking about the name I for some reason haven't ever been called in my life. Katie.

I finally went to my office, and shut the door ready to boot up my computer. But I saw a new post it note stuck to my desk that I know I didn't write. While my computer turned on, I looked at the post it.

I'm just a crazy fool lost in the world of love. I get from crazy you, I'm so strung out. Thinking 'bout the crazy things you do, crazy you.

I immediately think of Prince. He's the only one I'm "close" with around here, and today is Lucy's day off. She couldn't have put this here.

Unless she stuck it there when she left after me yesterday?

No, she's not that creative. She couldn't have written this.

I sign into my computer and get up to go to Prince's office. I knock on the door, and hear him tell me to come in.

"Is this yours?" I hold up the post it.

He stares for a minute, then speaks. "Yeah. That's from... a client. I wanted to know what you think of it."

"Oh," I cleared my throat, and started to walk out of his office. "Well, in that case, I think somebody is very in love."

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