chapter 10 (final)

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Life was good.

Jake was back in the band, the competition was tomorrow, and everyone was happy.

Oh and, Trevor was out. And lets just say... he did not take it well.

flashback 🥰

"Well you can all take your stupid instruments and go to hell! I never liked any of you, I only wanted Hailey! God your all music freaks anyway, and to think i spent months learning the violin just to get kicked out."

"And you.. Jake! You asshole, your the reason for this!! Go run away with Hailey in the sunset and kiss for hours for all I care!" Trevor shouted, having a full on tantrum.

"And-" Trevor got cut off by Zander shoving him out the club.

End of flashback

"Alright everyone! Tomorrow is the day!" Hailey said, basically jumping up and down.

"Everyone make sure to have a good sleep so you are nice and energised tommorrow"
She announced.

"Yes ma'am!" Everyone said in sync.

Everyone in the club room quickly started talking again, the room was filled with a bubbly feeling. Everyone was so excited.

"So, you excited for tommorrow princess?" Jake asked.

A bit of pink creeped onto Haileys cheeks, the two hadnt admitted their feelings for eachother yet but everyone knew there was something going on.

"Yeah, i guess, but im also really scared" Hailey said, looking down at her feet.

Jake frowned, "whys that hails?"

"What if I freeze up again and ruin everything?" Hailey said with saddness in her voice. She may be the president but shes more worried then anyone. Especially since the entire school knew about her stage fright now, all because of Trevor. She wanted to leave that past in middle school, but it seemed to be catching up on her again.

Jake hated seeing Hailey like this, he knew it was all because of Trevor. He hesitated before grabbing her hand and looking into her dark but also somehow shiny eyes, "thats not gonna happen princess, Ill be right there with you" he reassured her, he rubbed his thumb gently along her hand and gave her a sweet smile.

Haileys heart fluttered, nobody else made her feel like this. Whenever he talked to her, his voice speaked to her soul. His smile could heal everything wrong with her life. God your special Jake Sterling.

She gave him a warm smile, "thank you Jake, I couldn't do this without you."

It was true, without Jake, Hailey wouldnt have gotten the confidence she needed to face her past. She was still scared, but less scared then before. She knew she could do this, but deep down in the pit of her stomach stood a feeling that maybe she should never sing in-front of a crowd again. Maybe it was for the best that she stopped singing? She pushed that feeling down though, she wasnt gonna let anything or anyone get in the way of this.


There they were, the six club members were back stage, waiting for their cue.

Hailey wore the black dress that she brought, the day her and Jake went shopping. (chapter 2 i think) She had a pretty, silver necklace on. And she was wearing the custom Jacket the club got made. Her hair was down and styled beautifully. Jake just admired her as she talked and laughed with Sean and Luke.

"Soo~ you gonna ask her out tonight?" Milly asked, sneaking up on Jake.

Jake jumped, "uhh- whatt?? I dont know what your talking about" he rolled his eyes and crossed his arms. His cheeks went red and he looked up, trying to hide them.

"Why cant he just go away?" | a tmf Jailey fanficWhere stories live. Discover now