Chapter Four: Kitsune, Oni, Phoenix

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A/N: Hello!! Sorry for there being no new chapter last week!! ;--; But! I'm back and will most likely be updating the story on a regular schedule now! So, yeah, heres chapter four!!


Bethwell Household

  Days passed by and there have been news of waves of assassinations going around the city. This obviously only increased the awareness amongst the civilians in the city. It also increased the workload of the detectives, in particular detectives that are part of Gale. "Geez, these assassins truly are hard to catch..." Nelivia complains as she's lying on a couch in the house. "Well I'll be glad to help out if you need some!" Eliward responded, willing to help out her wife in these cases. "I'm sure I'll be fine! Besides, I have help with the cases back at Gale!" Nelivia responded with her cheerful attitude, obviously referencing Rosé and Ryo. "Well, if you say so.." Eliward responded, unsure about Nelivia's decision.

  Their conversation was cut short when Eliward's phone was ringing. "Oh, shoot, hold on, lemme take this.." Eliward spoke, surprised and caught off guard from the sudden call. In response she went into a different room, discussing with someone else on the other end. >Well, I hope it's something good..< Nelivia thought to herself as she watched her wife go into a different room. Soon after, Eliward came out of the room scratching the back of her head. "Did something bad happen?" Nelivia asked, worried, "Nah, just some problems with my co-workers." Eliward responded, brushing off the question. "Well, why don't you say we go to Aichi Forest Park? Y'know, just to clear our minds and relax." Eliward asked, wanting Nelivia to have a break from the workload. "Yeah, that sounds nice!" Nelivia got up from the couch, a cheerful response indeed. The two then get ready to leave the house and they both walk toward Yoyogi Park.


  The couple are walking around Aichi Forest Park, taking in the scenery. "Japan truly is a beautiful country.." Nelivia took a deep breath, feeling the sun on her skin. "Well, we have been here for most of our lives." Eliward responded, remembering when they moved to Japan a little over 10 years ago. The two talked for a while, admiring the park. Their conversation was soon cut off when something caught Nelivia's eye, it was Rośe,Ryo, Ren and Kokori, the four were at the park as well. "Did something catch your eye?" Eliward asked, noticing that Nelivia had something else in her attention. "Yeah, look." Nelivia responded, pointing over to where the four were at, "What about them?" Eliward asked, confused as to what could be important about them. "They're students at Tempo High I met a few weeks ago!" Nelivia explained, remembering her visit to the school. Eliward looked over to the four, closely examining their features, they looked similar to some people she knew, well, partly knew. "Do you want to go say hi to them?" Eliward asked, "Sure!" Nelivia replied, the two walked over to the four with them noticing the two walking over to them. Rosé being the first to greet them "Ah, Nelivia! I didn't expect to see you out here!" Rośe spoke out in a cheerful manner, "What're you four doing out here?" Nelivia asked, confused but still happy to see them. "We were just out on a walk since school just ended recently." Ren replied, they talked for a while until the sun was soon setting. "The suns getting pretty low, we should head back.." Eliward spoke out, the golden light of the sun shining on the edge of the skyline. "Yeah, see you later Nelivia!" Rośe spoke out in a cheerful manner, the two sides then parted ways, leaving Yoyogi Park.

  "Well? What'd you think of em?" Nelivia asked, a bright smile on her face, "They were interesting to say the least.. Rośe was it? Yeah, she seemed a lot like you." Eliward replied, remembering the conversation they had, the demeanor, the actions, the expressions, all of that made Rosé seem so similar to Nelivia. "Really? Now that I think about it, yeah, Rośe does seem a lot like me." Nelivia replied, looking back to how Rosé acted. >However, the other three, they feel familiar...< Eliward thought to herself as she looked back behind her, seeing the four walking with Rośe leading them. "Is something on your mind?" Nelivia asked, wondering what's on Eliwards mind. "It's nothing... we should head home quickly before night falls.." Eliward replied, looking forward and leading her wife back to their home.

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