*.+got me fucked up+.* (3)

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Today I was riding with kenji in the gyrosphere

(Translation: gyrosphere.. The Gyrosphere was a sphere shaped ride that takes tourists through Gyrosphere Valley, an area with over thirty dinosaur species)
I wasn't too excited about riding with him though. I wanted to ride with Hobie to be honest. But now we all have arrived in The Valley.

"Okay! So all of you will be paired up and riding along the herd." Roxie said. Then I was walking towards kenji but Roxie put him with Ben. I smiled, but kenji didn't of course he was mad. I walked over to Hobie. "Wanna ride together?" I asked. He nodded. We got in the Gyrosphere. Me and hobie were the first ones to take off. I looked back at Ben struggling to make the Gyrosphere go. I laughed at kenji just looking at me pissed while the ball was spinning around in circles.

——5 minutes after——-

Hobie was driving. He got close to the long necked thingys. I looked up at how tall it was. He chuckled at my expression.
"What?" I asked. He looked too me.
"Nothing." He said and smiled.
I wanted to get closer so I put my hand on the joystick without hesitation and forgot hobies hand was there. I pulled my hand off. "Sorry" I Said. "It's alright love." He said. I blushed an bit.

Later we went back to camp because it started storming. We eventually all went to sleep.


I was the last one to wake up. I made my way into the main room. Ben was drawing and the others were looking at Darius. He had an letter in his hand.

"It's from Dave, he says "we are off to deal with some stuff. I left crayons and coloring sheets. Don't leave the camp. We will be back. Don't do anything stupid. (Kenji) -Roxie. stay safe little dudes. Dave and Roxie." Daring sighed. "Do they know how old we are? Seriously! Coloring pages!?" Yas said. I rolled my eyes. "I like them!" Ben said.

"Yeah but I have an question. WHO STOLE MY PHONE!" Brooklyn said. Hobie looked annoyed at her yelling. "I didn't use it last night." Hobie said. Everyone else said they didn't. "Oh okayyyy yeahhhh what about you Sammy!?" Brooklyn said. Sammy looked around scared a bit. "Me? I didn't.." Sammy said. "What about that dinosaur stuff you took from its tongue huh? I got that on video so there is an reason you would take it.." Brooklyn said. We all looked worried. "Hey don't say that! She wouldn't take it." Yas said defending Sammy. Sammy stayed silent. "I... I don't know what you're talking about!!" Sammy said.

We then heard an roar. We all looked excited though. "What was that??" Sammy said. Ben looked terrified. I walked over to Hobie. "I bet we could see from the tower we went zip lining on!" Darius said. We all agreed.

"Hey it might be safe if we stay here right? They told us to stay here.." Ben said. We made our way to the Elevator. "Fine stay here and draw your Dino crush! I'm gonna see something cool and see an cat fight! Ether way it's an win win for me dude!" Kenji said. Ben then ran up to us.


The whole way there I stayed close too hobie. It didn't really both him though. I caught him glancing over at me though.

We then got to the tower and got to the top. We heard an roar then We saw the trees moving an bit though. "G- guys.." Ben said. We shushed him. Then saw it wan an king necked thingy. We all were relieved. "Wait... it shouldn't never roar like that unless it's trea-" we then see the dinosaur get taken down. We stood there in shock. "Oh my god..." I put my hand over my mouth. "What did that." Brooklyn said. "The Indominus.." Sammy mumbled. "What?" Hobie Said. He heard her. Then hobie saw me stepping back from the railing. He walked up to me but then an man started screaming from the ground.

"HEY YOU SHOULDN'T BE UO THERE GET DOWN!!" He yelled but then we saw an white Trex looking animal come out from the trees behind the man. I knew something bad was going to happen.

Then the dinosaur ate the man. Blood running down its jaws. It's teeth was stained with blood from other kills. It was white with yellow eyes. It had bits of spikes on its back.

We all ducked down hoping it would see us. But then we heard an loud screeching roar. Then the tower shook. I held onto Hobie he held me tight. I was so scared it was embarrassing.—

To be continued



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