
31 1 0


sorry it took so long to post and this is updating while i am away but hope you are doing amazing!


(mild swear warning and mentions of blood)

Sasha sighed as she opened the door to her room and sat down at her desk and pondered why she said what she said.

Maybe because I was happy there was a friend who was like me, in a way.

Yeah she thought, that has to be it.

A thought that she gathered had been present since she had seen Anne smile when she walked into the restaurant.

She stood up, her thoughts becoming too much and interrupting her work on radii.

She just stood there, leaning over her desk, relying on her hands placed firmly on the wood to keep her steady as she thought way to many things, her mind beginning to race.

She started to lean back denying what she theorized.

Sasha decided to return to her homework later "Geometry can wait, I'm almost done anyway".

Until I get all this sorted out, she thought, I don't think I'll be able to organize my thoughts enough to do my homework without hurting it. 

Sasha stepped away from her homework and walked downstairs to the gym in her basement.

Putting her earbuds in her ears and hitting "Play" on her playlist she started to beat the punching bag.

Her punches seemed to match the rhythm of her music as she fell into a sort of trance while everything else blurred into the background.

Her thoughts went quiet.

All she could see was her hands hitting the bag in front of her.

she didn't hear her mom call for dinner.

She didn't hear her alarm go off.

She was in her own world. Just Sasha.

Just her and her thoughts.

She tried to think about things other than Anne but the thought of her friend never seemed to leave her mind.

She was getting tired of pushing thoughts of her friend out of her mind.

When the thought of Anne entered her train of thought once more Sasha Became so frustrated she just took her fist and, without a second thought, plunged it straight into the punching bag.

She did this so aggressively that the punching bag flew off the hanger on the ceiling and crashed into the wall.

Sasha just stood there, she heard her mom asking if she was okay from somewhere upstairs, she sighed and turned her music off heading upstairs to finish her geometry.

Sasha had just finished the last problem on the sheet her teacher had assigned when she realized something.

"Holy shit."

"I like Anne."

She stood up and tried to find any part of herself that disagreed with this thought.

When she couldn't she freaked out and, not thinking about the consequences of her actions, threw her fist forward expecting the wall to stop her hand.

Sasha looked up at her hand.

She saw a hole in the wall and her hand was clearly the cause.

She ran to the bathroom and bandaged her hand up before she could get blood on anything when she realized that she was barely bleeding, despite having punched a hole in a wall. 

Regardless she put some bandages on her hand and went to her room.

Sasha looked at the hole in her wall.

The hole did not move.

Sasha sighed and moved one of her posters to cover it that would take some explaining.

As for her hand she could just blame that on working out too hard. 

Sasha thought about her realization and plopped down on her bed pulling out her phone.

I wonder if Marcy has advice?

End of chapter!!!!!

hope u enjoyed!

word count 586

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