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Mingi was a fool to think – for even a second – that guarding Jeong Yunho would be easy.

Their first meeting went well, sure, but Mingi has a feeling that it was only because Yunho’s manager, Hongjoong, had been there. Mingi’s first official outing with Yunho happens on the very same day. There’s a party in a famous nightclub owned by Choi San, Yunho makes it very clear that he’s here to have fun and he doesn’t want anyone to ruin his fun. The rather-polite rockstar Mingi met earlier is replaced by an avid partier, so-to-speak, a loose cannon.

“I’m going clubbing. I’ve been here before. Please, don’t get in my way.”

And that’s how Mingi finds himself in this situation: standing a few meters away from his protégé while said-protégémakes out with the club owner, Choi San. Yunho is leaning against the wall with San pressed against him, as far as Mingi can see from the corner of his eye, he can’t outright stare at them, at least, he’s trying not to. They’re clearly enjoying themselves, Mingi is thankful for the overloud music – it blocks out any lustful sounds and sensual whispers that are potentially being exchanged between the duo.

Don’t get him wrong, Mingi is not the type of person to ruin a good time. But he admits that he might not be the best at differentiating a kink from an out-right aggression, especially when said-kink involves a hand around Yunho’s throat. Mingi’s protective instincts take over as he walks towards the couple, and with all the confidence in the world he says:

“Remove your hand.”

The kiss is abruptly cut off as Yunho looks at Mingi, only to send him the deadliest-death-glare Mingi has ever received in his entire life. San looks a bit taken aback as well, nervous even, he awkwardly chuckles as he removes his hand, following Mingi’s direction. Yunho doesn’t say a word as San takes a step back, laughs, and then presses a sweet kiss to Yunho’s cheek.

“Maybe we should get a room after all. I’ll see you later, Yun.”

San walks away, Yunho lets his head fall back against the wall, closing his eyes for a moment.

“Thanks for killing the mood.”

Mingi bites his lip in embarrassment. “I’m sorry, I thought—”

“—do you need a fucking list to my kinks?  Yunho asks as he turns his head to look at him.

“N-No. I apologize. It won’t happen again.”

Yunho nods. “OK. I’m going to go back to whatever I was doing, in private.”

Without giving Mingi a chance to say anything else, Yunho marches in the direction of the bar. He orders two glasses of champagne before gravitating towards San again. Mingi watches them from afar, only a tiny bit scared to break their newly-formed bubble, he keeps his distance. Yunho whispers something into San’s ear while handing him a glass. San smiles and nods. And then, hand-in-hand, the duo walks towards a hallway – Mingi knows that this specific hallway leads to private rooms. He can’t and he won’t follow them inside the room, but he can wait in front of its door, that’s exactly what he’s going to do, because that’s his job.

There’s another man standing in front of the room’s door.

“You’re…Choi San’s bodyguard?” Mingi asks, not wanting to assume.

“I am. Jung Wooyoung.”

“Song Mingi.”

Jung Wooyoung hums, giving Mingi a polite, thin-lipped smile.

“They’re not…doing drugs in there, right?”

The bodyguard looks at Mingi in amusement. “No. They’re just having a little fun. Nothing illegal.” Jung Wooyoung replies, seemingly used to this situation. “Right.” Mingi mumbles.

Tonight, Mingi has learned a few things about Jeong Yunho, the rockstar. He is honest and open and crude, he knows what (and who) he wants and when he wants it, and when he has something in mind, he doesn’t hold back. Yunho is a tad impulsive, and most importantly, he doesn’t back down easily. Needless to say, Mingi has his hands full with this specific individual, he’s going to have to try to adapt to Yunho’s character as best he can if he wants this to go well.

It will be fine, Mingi thinks, he can handle anyone, including Yunho.

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