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We often hear the word
But what khudi really is?

One of Allama Iqbal's famous poetry states

خودی کو کر بلند اتنا کہ ہر تقدیر سے پہلے
خدا بندے سے پوچھے بتا تیری رضا کیا ہے

It narrates;

❛Khudi ko kr buland itna Kay hr taqdeer say pehlay
Khuda banday say pochay Bata Teri Raza Kya hay❜

Which ultimately translates to;

Elevate yourself so much that before every destiny
God Asks his servant,tell me what is your pleasure❜

So the question arises,
"Can we use the term destiny for khudi?"
But no we can't,
Khudi must not be confused with destiny, as it's the spiritual awakening of Man.


A human is sent on Earth as the "Naib" of Allah Subhanahu wa ta'ala.

Often we run after the temporary luxurious of the World and forget our purpose of being send here.
To understand the concept of Khudi, we must first understand the concept of "Rooh" aka "Soul"

Almost all relegions agree that the human body posses a soul, which is truly not a part of the human body, for very little about the soul is known.
But in Quran Majid Allah Subhanahu wa ta'ala states;

❜اور یہ لوگ تجھے رو ح کے متعلق سوال کرتے ہیں کہہ دو روح میرے رب کے حکم سے ہے اور تمہیں جو علم دیا گیاہےوہ بہت ہی تھوڑا ہے.❛

[ سورة الإسراء , Al-Isra, Chapter #17, Verse #85]

Which translates to;

❛And these people ask you about the soul, say: The soul is by the command of my Lord, and the knowledge you have been given is very little.❜

In Islam, al-Ruh primarily implies the animated breath of life blown into a living,
which departs his physical body at the point of the death. Allah the Exalted said:

"Then He fashioned him (man) in due proportion and breathed into him His
Ruh (Soul created by Allah for that person); and He gave you hearings (ear)
sights (eyes) and hearts. Little is the thanks you give" (32: 9)

Al-Ruh which departs the physical body is of two types, the first is called the lesser
death (al-Wafat al-Sugra), happening during sleeping, and then the actual death (alWafat al-Kubra). In both occasions, the Ruh departs the body, although the nature of
this departing is not of equal degree. For instance when one fall asleep, his Ruh does
not completely separate his physical body, rather, it wanders about, remaining in one
way or the other as he breathes such that when he is about to wake up, it returns to
him in as soon as the blinking of an eye. This is substantiated in the Quran and
Allah the Exated says:

"It is Allah who takes away the Souls at the time of their death, and those that
die not during their sleep. He keeps those (souls) for which he ordained death
and sends the rest for a term appointed. Verily, in this are signs for people who
think deeply" (39: 42)

Abdullah b. Abbas (May Allah be pleased with him) in commentating the above verse, stated that

"Allah takes Souls of his slaves in two occasions. The first being the
time they are asleep and then the actual death, ceasing that Soul for which He
ordained death and sending the rest without any mistake (Ibn Kathir, 1999)."

In the same vein,
the Prophet (May the blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) is
reported to have said, according to what Bukhari narrated on the authority of Abu
Qatadah that, when they slept and missed a prayer one day, the Prophet said:

"Verily Allah took your souls (Arwahakam) when he willed and returned them when he

References from:

[Al-Ash'ariyy, A.I. (1990). Maqalat al-Islamiyyin wa al-Ikhtilaf al-Musallin. Beirut:
al-Maktabah al-Asriyyah.
Muslim, H. (2012). Sahih al-Muslim. Egypt: Dar Bidayah li al-I'lam wa an-Nashr
Al-Nawawiy, Y. (2006). Riyad al-Salihin. Kano: Maktabah al-Qadi Sharif Bala


Now back to our topic of Khudi;

"Khudi is the conscious awakening of the soul. Realizing that Allah Subhanahu wa ta'ala sent us here testing. We are not supposed to stay here forever but return to him. Our Soul, Body and Spirit belong to him and him only."

Allama Iqbal states 3 levels of Khudi in his book "Asrar e Khudi"

Obedience (It'at)
Self-Control (Zabt e Nafs)
Divine Vicigeneracy (Neyabat e elahi)


To be Continued...


❛Israr O Ramooz❜Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz