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Rough fingers tiredly typing on the keyboard. Eyes looking intently at the bright screen of the computer is what Tarrick Jones had been doing for the past few hours since morning started. He's checking the status of the company like every normal day in his office. He leaned back on his seat and sighed quietly. So far, nothing has changed and the business is still as good as how it started back in the days. His peaceful time was interrupted by a constant knocking on the door.

"Come in" he said.

Five guys all wearing black clothing went inside and stood in front.

"Mr. Jones. Director Mick sent us, he said you wanted to talk?" The guy with the black hair with blonde highlights spoke up.

"Yes. We just had an agreement last week, it's about my company and daughter" he started.

"What about them sir?" one of them asked.

"Well as you all know, this company have had so many competitors over the past year. But last month, I just recieved a threat...about my daughter. I didn't know they watching my daughter's every move, thankfully they only know where she studies at. They sent me plenty of pictures, all of them are just her at school" he paused.

"...the director sent us here to be your daughter's bodyguard?" the one with the blonde highlights asked.

"Yes Agent Garcia, that's pretty much what me and Mick agreed on. I've know Mick for as long as I can remember, and I trust him with my daughter's life. So that means I'd have to trust you too. He said you guys are the best on the job so I trust that you would look after her, make sure she's not alone whether inside or outside of the school" he finished and look at each of them intently. The guys looked at each other as if talking telepathically and then looked back at him again.

"Do you understand?" he asked.

"Understood sir" they said simultanously.

"Now I just gotta give you her sched—" he was about to say but was interrupted by two frantic people— specifically his daughter's best friends.

"Mr. Jones! Mr. Jones!" they called and frantically run in front of his table, not even acknowledging the others in the room.

"Izzy? Aiyon?" Tarrick said and stood up alert.

The two stood in front panting heavily from running. Izzy looked around noticing the other five guys in the room.

"Oh hey brother— JAVI!? WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE!?" Izzy asked shocked.

"Task" the only answer she got in return before Tarrick interrupted them.

"Guys what happened? Where's Amelia?" he asked.

The other five guys are also alert looking at the two students.

"Amel—" Izzy was about to say but was interrupted.

"Guys!" a girl shouted and bursted through the door while panting heavily as well. They looked at her. Her ponytail was a little messy and there's a bit of sweat running down her forehead. She was wearing a red plaid skirt and black long sleeved fitted shirt with knee length black boots. She is a total fashionista. The guys's jawdropped still looking at her.

Izzy looked at her in panic and immediately said

"Amelia got—" she started but Amelia beeat her to it.

"AN A+ AS ALWAYS!" Amelia said loudly then glared at both Izzy and Aiyon.

"NO! LIAR! SHE—" Aiyon started to argue but Amelia had no plan on letting them throw her under the bus.

"Okay fine I lied! was a B+" Amelia said then looked at the two. As if daring them to arbue farther. They just looked at her in disbelief.

Tarrick was confuse to say the least.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 29, 2023 ⏰

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