Healing Center

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As soon as Sophie heard the news she rushed to the healing center not caring about the conversation they just had. She was sure that she still had a lot of explaining to do, but she could save it for another time. Sophie wasn't going to listen to anyone who would try and stop her and thankfully no one did. 

"Okay, deep breaths," she told herself but she couldn't help herself by tugging her eyelashes. By the time she finally reached the healing center she tugged a total of five eyelashes. Sophie wasn't sure why she was so nervous but as she finally entered the healing center, her eyes met a pair of ice blue ones. 

"Keefe?" Sophie asked, still trying to keep a distance between herself and Keefe in case her emotions overwhelmed him. That was the last thing she and Keefe needed, even though her heart was like, "WHY DON'T YOU RUN OVER THERE AND GIVE HIM A BIG HUG RIGHT NOW!" 

She was tempted to, and couldn't help herself by seeing how his ice blue eyes seemed to sparkle at the sight of her and even though his hair was in a million different directions it just seemed to give him a even more striking appearance. That was her favorite thing about Keefe, how his imperfections seemed to make him look even more perfect. 

"Hey there Foster!" he replied with his trademark smirk. "It feels like you want to go all Foster rage on me or make it a Foster-Keefe hug. But we both know the last thing we want is a Foster rage fest right?"

 Keefe stretched his arms out, but Sophie stayed in place. She had to find her voice before she finally struggled out, "You can read my emotions?"

This time Keefe gave her a real smile not just his smirk, "I wondered if you caught that. And my mommy dearest's experiments were a total fail this time." He gave her a huge grin this time before he said, "and I can't give out any more commands either!"

Sophie was at a loss for words and this time she couldn't contain herself by walking much closer to Keefe, and she could feel a real smile curling up her lips when Keefe was fanning the air like he always did when her emotions were overwhelming. For once she didn't seem to mind, as it was proof that the old Keefe that she always liked was coming back. 

Right on cue Keefe mentioned, "I forgot how overwhelming this was, you know your emotions?  But I also think you look really good today Foster." 

Sophie blushed, hoping that he didn't notice but of course he could feel her emotions as she could hear Keefe's soft laugh right at her. Sophie also noticed that his arms were still stretched  out for her and this time she couldn't help herself as she fell right into the hug. Keefe's arms around her made her feel safer almost like he didn't want her to leave, and her heart switched to hummingbird pace. She knew she should probably let go, but her legs couldn't seem to move as her heart and brain screamed, I NEVER WANT TO LET GO, and she was willing to do just that until she heard someone clear their throat. 

Sophie and Keefe practically let go at the same time and Sophie decided to put some "friend space" between them.

Elwin raised both of his eyebrows right at them which caused both of them to blush but he ignored it as he asked Keefe, "I'm guessing that you told her the good news?" 

Keefe nodded and Sophie was curious as she asked Elwin, "How did you figure this out so quickly? I thought you hailed me as soon as Keefe was awake?"

"I did," Elwin replied. "But I also checked him before I hailed you, to make sure that he was up for visitors and the news we found out was better than expected," Elwin admitted. 

Sophie was still stuck on the fact that Keefe was finally able to read her emotions but her mind was more fixated on the part that Keefe finally lost his ability to give people commands. She blushed again, when she saw Keefe studying her as she asked him, "But how do you know that you can't give commands anymore?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 30, 2023 ⏰

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