Chapter 1

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(A/N: What I forgot to mention in the intro is that all characters in thus book are 18+. Hope you keep that in mind.)

The weekend has passed and it was time to go to school again, something most students didn't look forward to at all. After her run-in on the weekend, Gwen scouted the internet for any clues  on who Y/N was as it seemed a little strange that he would be saving New York although she took care of it already. Was she happy? Not really because there were too many cooks in the kitchen as people say every now and then. She definitly wanted to find him and talk to him about it, but the sea of people when she entered the school made it had to pick anyone out.

 She definitly wanted to find him and talk to him about it, but the sea of people when she entered the school made it had to pick anyone out

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Gwen took a deep breath and walked through the crowd towards her locker to get prepared for her first lesson. It didn't leave her mind though because it just didn't make much sense. Why would Y/N be there and fight criminals? Where did he get the suit? And how did he know where she was last night? Gwen was annoyed by all of those things, hoping to get some answers soon as she put her books in her backpack before walking to her classroom, only to stop at the door when seeing Y/N talk to her teacher.

Y/N:" I guess an introduction would be best when everyone's here."

Teacher:" Yeah, you dropped in at the middle of the year, so it's better when everyone gets to know you a little."

Y/N:" I understand. As long as they accept me for who I am, things should be okay."

Teacher:" I know it's hard, but you can do it, Y/N. After reading your file, I understand the trouble you faced before. If there ever is a problem, you can talk to me or the other teachers."

Y/N:" I'll try not to be a burden, Sir."

Teacher:" Just behave and pay attention for the start. I'm sure the rest of the year will be a breeze for you."

Y/N chuckled at that. He was a pretty good student in terms of marks and staying off the radar most of the time, so he would try to do the same this year. The two stood aside when students started filling the classroom, giving the younger man some weird looks as they passed by him. He was new after all and it was always strange having someone unknown around. Gwen entered last and kept a close eye on Y/N as she got to her seat while the teacher took attendence of everyone while Y/N tried not to look nervous.

Teacher:" So...we start today a little differently. As you see, you'll have a new classmate for the rest of the year. Young man, please introduce yourself."

Y/N:" Well, I'm Y/N L/N, 19 years old and  I like to read. You can often find me in the library. Other than that, I also exercise a lot and I watch a lot of movies. Hopefully we can get along until graduation."

Teacher:" Thank you, Y/N. You can take a seat next to Belle. Now, I expect all of you to treat him with respect. Is that clear?"

The class answered with a loud Yes as Y/N smiled softly and sat down next to the afrementioned Belle who was pretty welcoming as she shook hands with Y/N.

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