11. Love Policies

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Zee buttoned up his coat, wrapped his scarf a bit higher on his neck, while his breath came in white puffs for the cool evening air.

He had been waiting for about 15 minutes at the Hogsmeade station for the arrival of the Hogwarts Express. He had to bring all the students, again, at the castle with the thestral-carried coaches.

That, and waiting for NuNew.

It went beyond saying.

He had a cup of warm coffee at madame Puddifoot before setting himself at the platform, Fak Thong sitting next to his feet.

He was progressively growing impatient for the train to be finally there.

A new year had begun: a new year that was going to bring big changes to his life and he just couldn't wait for them to happen.

A part of him kept thinking over and over about... things.

Things to discuss.

Things that needed to be voiced, between them.

And potential issues coming their way...

But mostly, he really needed to just see him.

"I'm sure they'll be here soon, big boy, don't be so impatient" Zee said, talking to his dog as if he even asked in the first place.

Of course, he didn't. But Zee said it anyway, in need of soothing himself.

He felt rather miserable but what could he say, if not that those last days casted a light over side of himself that he didn't even know before.

Things unexpected.



Over-romantic heart.

Probably, touch-starving too.

Precisely, Nhu's touch was the thing he was missing.

Even the touch of his eyes and smile over him.

All of a sudden, a low whistle and puffs of steam pierced the darkness.

The Hogwarts Express was finally in sight and the wizard's heart started to piston in his chest.

Fak Thong stood up, giving a couple of happy barks.

Zee tried to breath hard and keep himself in check.

He was going to see him.


But he wasn't alone.

They weren't alone.

There were many prying eyes around them.

The train came to a stop and Zee, as he usually did, started to ring his bell.

"This way, in line to reach the coaches!" he said, raising his voice in the night, eyes wandering over the many heads in front of him.

Looking like he was checking them all but actually looking for only one.

Which, in the end, appeared, right next to Neville Longbottom, the only other professor who had spent the holidays at home since his wife Hannah was due to deliver their 3rd born.

It was him who waved at Zee.

NuNew only smiled to him.

That smile that he loved was finally there.

"Zee! Here you are! Happy New Year!" Neville said, holding him in a tight hug.

"Happy New Year to you, too! And congratulations for your new baby! Another girl, right?"

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