chapter one

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"I absolutely loathe him, Macy. That's why I won't take you," I said, rolling my eyes. "But Katrina," she whined, drawing out the syllables. "You were best friends and you dated him! And Dad will only let me go if you take me." She jutted her bottom lip out, and gave me the puppy dog face.

"It's not going to work on me this time, Mace," I smirked, pulling my sunglasses out of my hair and flipping over on the towel trying to get a good tan.

"You're such a poop!" She yelled, stomping her little foot. "I'm never going to talk to you again." "Fine by me," I said. I felt her hands on my back and my bikini straps snapped off, hitting my arms as they did. I let out a gasp and pulled the towel around me, standing up. I grabbed my top and ran in, only to find that the little turd had locked me out.

"Macy Angela Wilson, you open this door this instant!" I yelled, kicking at it.

She smiled and stood there, staring at me.

I let out a sigh. There was only one way I could get in, and I knew it.

"Fine, Macy. I'll take you to the signing," I groaned. "Just let me in!" "You have to promise," she said. "I promise," I said, annoyed. "Pinky promise?" She questioned. "Yes, I pinky promise I'll take you to the One Direction signing that I don't want to go to because Harry Styles is a complete and total bum that I hate with everything I have in me because he broke my heart," I said, rolling my eyes.

She gave off a cocky grin and unlocked the sliding glass door, and pulled it open, letting me in. "I hate you, too," I said, before running off to my room. I pulled off my bathing suit, deciding to get changed instead of going back out.

Note to self; tan when Macy isn't here.

Sighing, I pulled on a white V-neck t-shirt and tucked into a high-waisted blue floral skirt. I added a bow necklace, matching bracelet set, and matching earrings. I added on Heathered lace up gray shoes and let my hair down, leaving it in its natural wavy brown curls.

I headed downstairs and pulled my phone along with me, texting Gavin as I went.

"When's the signing, Mace?" I questioned, plopping down on the sofa. "Tonight," she said excitedly. "Tonight!?" I screeched at the twelve year old. "Seriously?" "Yes," she smiled. "You're taking me and Maggie."

Oh God. Maggie was Macy's annoying best friend, who never shut up about anything. It was like she was a windup toy that broke, and no one knew how to turn off. She was also pretty mean, and very temperamental.

"Whatever," I groaned, leaning back and reading the new text.

From: The Amazingly Hot Gavin who I loooooove:

what r u doin tonite, hottie?

I giggled and typed back that I was being forced to take two turds to see the king turd.

My phone vibrated in my lap and I picked it up.

"Hello?" I questioned. "What the hell? Is there a turd ritual meeting? Am I missing it?" Gavin asked. I let out a laugh and rolled my eyes. "No. I'm taking my turd of a little sister and her turd friend to a signing. Guess what band?" I smirked, sticking my tongue out at my sister as she did the same to me. "Oh, turd head and the fabulous four," he answered. "You guessed it, my best friend," I smiled.

"I feel so bad for you," he said. "So do I," I groaned, turning on the telly. "Then why'd you agree?" He laughed. "Because Macy took off my bathing suit top and wouldn't let me in until I agreed," I said. "That's awful!" Gavin laughed.

"Look, I have to go. My stomach needs food, and my sister needs a beating," I joked. He laughed along and said goodbye before hanging up.

I stood up and headed to the kitchen, preparing my food and dreading tonight.

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