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A/n: same thing as before

Mike was pulling in the parking lot while I was gazing at the buildings that passed by.

"At least they're decent" Brittany mumbled as we walked in and sat down at a table

"Hi welcome to Denny's, I will be your server today, what can I get you to drink" the server said.

"Two sweet teas" Rachel said, looking at the menu.

"Coke" Brittany said, also looking at the menu.

"A water please" I asked nicely, unlike everyone else. Someone has to have manners.

"Ok be right back" the server said, going to get our drinks.

"Mom, I'm going to the bathroom, get me strawberry pancakes and scrambled eggs when the server gets back" I said, standing up.

"Ok hun" she replied while I walked away.

While I was walking, there were four guys wearing caps eating breakfast, staring at me as I walked by. Thinking nothing of it, I went into the bathroom. Instead of using the bathroom, I got on my phone to tell my friends the news.

Guys, guess what

ree Willy (will)


Dreamnotfound (clay)


Free Willy (will)

Dreamnotfound (clay)
Really, WITHOUT US!!!

Yep, sorry I couldn't take you with me

Dreamnotfound (clay)
You owe us

I'll give you some money

Free Willy (will)
That's good

Dreamnotfound (clay)
Yea fine by me


Turning off my phone, I began walking out of the bathroom. When I came out, one of the four men turned and looked at me.

"Finally you show up, perfect timing too" Rachel said, digging in to her food.

"What took you so long" Mike asked, mouth full of my eggs.

"I was telling my friends what we are doing" I said, taking my eggs away from him.

"Why didn't you stay out her and do it" he asked.

"I dunno, privacy" I said, taking a bite of my pancake.

Taking another bite, I finished off my pancakes. I didn't have very many eggs left because of Mike, so I finished them off rather quick as well.

"Can we get two to-go boxes" Rachel asked.

"Yes ma'am" she said, running to grab them.

Thinking about the men who were staring at me, I glanced over there. I looked long and hard to see it was the Avengers. Tony, Steve, Clint, and Bucky. Bucket barnes. I paused time and practically ran to there table to make sure it was him. When I lifted the hat, sure enough it was him. I felt like crying. It had been nearly ten years since I had seen him. I lifted his sleeve and said, " They gave me your number." I sat back down and I paused time.

Avengers 3rd POV
'The girl in front of me looked like y/n' Bucky thought. Bucky was staring at her while she was looking down. He could've sworn he heard someone say, "They gave me your number."

"Bucky, why are you staring at that girl" Steve asked.

" She looks like someone I know" he replied.

"Ok, but the more you stare makes it weird" Steve said.

"She looks like she's about to cry" Tony said, finishing his food.

She looked up to her parents, then to us and walked out the door


I fell through a crawl space while I searched the Hydra building. I got a small, deep cut on my right cheek pouring blood. When I looked up, there was a shirtless guy wearing black cargo pants. His hair fell all in his face. I got up and walked over to him.

"Hello, I'm y/n" I said, tapping his flesh arm. His other arm was metal, it looked super cool. The guy turned around and looked at me expressions. He sorta glared for a second.

"Hi, I'm Bucky, what are you doing here" he questioned.

"I was searching the building, but fell through a crawl space and cut my cheek and ended up here" I said, sitting on his bed.

"I'm sorry doll" he said, picking up his shirt and wiping the blood off.

"What's a doll" I asked as he sat beside me. I had been here for a few months, but I had always been locked up in my room. That's how I found the crawl space.

"You've never had a doll" he asked, realizing your not a threat. But like him being forced there, he didn't like the idea of what they were doing to such a small child.

"No, I've been stuck in that room for a few months" I said, standing up and touching his scars where the metal and flesh of his arm met." What happened Bucket?" I gently rubbed my finger across it. He flinched back, never having someone touching there except himself when he tries to claw it off.

I thought I hurt him so, I backed away instantly. "I'm sorry I hurted you" I said, getting upset.

Bucky seen the child thinking she caused the pain Hydra chased so many years ago. "You're not the one who hurt me doll" he said, patting the bed for her to sit down.

"Ok, you want to be friends" I asked, sitting down.

"Sure, where are your parents" Bucky asked.

" Gone" I said, leaning on his shoulder.

" How old are you" he asked.

"Seven, how old are you" I asked.

"One hundred and six" he said looking down at me.

"I got to go bucket, people are coming" I said, running off.

"Bye doll" he said, laying down.

That's how it went for a few months, y/n would go to Bucky's cell and talk for a bit then run off. one day Hydra found out and punished them both. They froze Bucky and told y/n she was getting powers. It hurt the small girl, but they didn't care. She started screaming, but they just stood there. Bucky had heard the girl's screams. He had broke through the ice machine mid icing and went to towards the screams. He burst through the doors, but he was quickly dealt with and the small girl didn't see him again.

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