Get. Out.

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"You're a disgrace, I hope you know that. I cannot accept how sick in the head you are, you're just as bad as your mother! Even then, I don't think she would ever go this far." My father spat in my face. 

"I'm not sick, I'm being honest with you about who I am and about what I feel. I can't nor will I make myself sane at the idea of men, dad. I like women and I'm sorry that's an issue."

"Get out... GET OUT OF MY HOUSE!" My father grabbed the collar of my shirt and forced me towards the door. "Never return, never show your face, never call, nothing. This is the last I ever want to know about you, shit I could've gone without this whole conversation."

As it poured, the last thing I truly remember from that day is being thrown out the door in the pouring rain and having the door shut in my face as if I never mattered, hell even existed.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 31, 2023 ⏰

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