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jason x rossweisse

both are married

jason and rossweisse an the bed as jason was behild rossweisse grope her breast with both his hands olso rossweisse was an her valkerie armor as she moan

rossweisse:ahh dear~..this is new

jason:what can i say you look hot on that armor


she blush hard jason keep grope her breast with his hands cause her to moan as then both begin to kiss as the kiss got deepy as both add touges as saliva begin to drip from they lips

rossweisse:hmm jason~

she said while keep kiss him as jason keep grope her breast as then one his hands goes to her leotard and move it to the side to expose her wet entrace as he begin to finger it as rossweisse moan an the feeling while keep kiss him 

rossweisse:{soo good~}

she trough as jason keep finger her entrace more faster even add more finger as rossweisse moans became louder as jason keep goin while grope her breast with one hand as rossweisse moan an the feeling and after an while rossweisse was close to climax

rossweisse:i i cumming!!

she finally came leave her lower haft of her leotard and jason's fingers wet with her juices as rossweisse pant hard

jason:want to go futher


jason get her an four as jason remove his pants to expose his member as rossweisse blush hard

rossweisse:is bigger than usual

jason:guess the outfit make an big impact

he said with an smile as rossweisse blush hard jason shive his member inside her as rossweisse moan loud

rossweisse:soo big tight inside

he said as he begin to trust into her as rossweisse moan an the feeling as jason keep goin while have his hands on her hips as rossweisse was enjoy the feeling

rossweisse:{soo good i glad i meet him i not longer the single valkerie anymore ..}

she trough while keep moan as jason then got close to her and tear the top of her leotard to expose her breast while leave the rest of the armor as he begin to grope then while play with her nipples as rossweisse moan louder as her touge was out as rossweisse moan became louder as her entrace was wet and driping and after an while jason was close

jason:i cumming!!

rossweisse:inside me please breed me!!~

she moan as jason finally came inside her as rossweisse moan loud as her eyes rolled back as her touge was out as she climax as well as jason semen was leak out from her entrace

rossweisse:ahh soo good

jason:glad you love it

both share an kiss

years later

rossweisse was smile hold her newborn on her arms as jason was next to her

rossweisse:she is pretty 

jason:like you

rossweisse:soo what we name her

jason:how about kiana

rossweisse:i like it

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