Chapter 1 (Olive's Perspective)

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Sunrises are such beautiful things, how could one not love them? I would never understand that. Sunrises in Pittsburgh were nice but they could never compare to sunrises in Wilmington. When my parents said we were moving to some "grandma looking beach house" as they call it I was ecstatic. I was the weird girl who lived in the middle of Pennsylvania in the city of rivers but yet still had surfboards in my room, fishing nets hung on my ceilings, and would frame seashells I found at some beach. I grabbed my paddle board off the top of my Jeep. (Yes, I am the basic girl who owns a white Jeep Wrangler. Do I care? No.) "I hate airing this thing up" I said to myself. "You know, the waves are pretty rough this morning, I'd suggest you take that surfboard on your roof out instead." I peered my head over the hood of my Jeep. "And who are you?" The guy looked like he'd hit some coral, his knee was bleeding and he had a black eye. "I'm Greyson Parker, nice to meet you." I hid my face behind the hood and started to giggle. "I'm sorry are you laughing right now?" He asked now cleaning the wound on his knee. "Yes I am actually, I'm sorry I just can't believe your named after a color?" I couldn't keep myself from laughing. Why was this funny, I'm acting as though I'm not named after an oil. "May I ask what your name is?" I knew I was about to pay for my sweet laughter. "Olive." I said returning to my paddle board. "Olive...what?" My eyes widened. "What do you mean, "what?", I told you my name." The guy stood up from where we had been sitting on his hood. He also had a Jeep, just like mine but grey. Haha kind of fit his name I guess. "I told you my name is Greyson Parker, you told me Olive. What's the rest?" I stood up fully and set my arms across my hood. "Olive Matthews." Greyson smiled. "So oil, you need help getting your surfboard off the roof?" I slammed my head down. "Don't call me oil." Greyson came around my Jeep, starring at me. "Don't call me color." He said now peering over top of me. I had to tilt my head upwards to stare back at him. "Fine, and no so go before I make that knee bleed again." He put his hands up by his head, "Yes officer." He walked back to his Jeep searching in the back for something. I deflated my paddle board and set it back in its bin. Most people would be scared of my trunk, there's so many bins to organize everything. I climb up on my tire and unhook the straps keeping my surfboard on top. Greyson was putting on his wetsuit. I was going out in my bikini no matter how rough the waters were. As I drug my surfboard off my roof I caught him looking at me. "Hey asshole, learn to keep your eyes on what's in front of you and maybe you won't need that wetsuit." His abs looked so defined, I couldn't lie about that. I really didn't care if he was looking I just wanted him to know I could see him. "Okay that's fair, what did I do to get called an asshole though?" I strapped my ankle strap around. "You were starring at my ass, and I have a hole there. Asshole." His eyes got large. "Ewww, okay your really gross." I picked up my board and head down to the beach. "You have one too man, I just don't stare!" I screamed as I walked away. I could hear his laugh in the distance. It was kind of hot, but I knew it wasn't something I was interested in. I paddled out to sea and waited for a wave. Greyson sure enough was right next to me. "Why do I get the feeling you don't like me?" He asked smiling at me with that weird grin all guys do. "I'm not sure but your about to hate me when I one up your surfing skills." He sat up on his board. "Oh is that so?" I grinned as I popped up on my board and caught a nice wave. This surfing competition we somehow started had lasted nearly half an hour until the waves died down. Early morning was the best time for surfing. We both sat on our boards across from each other. I had taken off my ankle strap at this point simply sitting cross legged on my board. He had his strap off as well laying on his back. "So when did you move here?" I cleared my throat. "Uhm, about six months ago, I'm finishing senior year here." Greyson huffed. "So you know anybody from North Oaks yet?" "Yea actually I do, I know a good bit. Uh Sarah Hansen got me friends with like everyone here before I moved." Greyson laughed. "Wait there's no way Sarah goes to your old school. Are you for real?" I looked down at the calm waves. " Well actually she goes to Duquesne now for college but when she was a senior, yea. She was really sweet." We both got quiet. Just listening to the waves crash was so so peaceful. I had just closed my eyes when I heard Grayson strapping his ankle leash back on. I could feel the waves starting to pick up below my board. I sat up as quick as I could to grab my leash which at this point was floating below in the water. I hurried to pull it back up. Before I could get it back on I heard Greyson shout "Wave!!" At the top of his lungs, now paddling back to shore as quick as he could. This was a monster wave, much to big to catch at this point, and with no leash, I was screwed. I latched onto my board as hard as I could but the wave was to strong. I was knocked off the board once the wave sucked it in. I felt pressure on my ankle, a deep burning pressure. I opened my eyes under the water which for some reason didn't hurt that bad today, probably because my ankle hurt much worse. Thankfully the water was fairly clear this morning. I looked down to see my ankle trapped in coral. I felt like that scene in Moana, when she goes beyond the reef. I tried to break my ankle free using other pieces of coral and rock. Another strong wave came crashing through and my air was getting low. This wave crashed through so powerful it forced the rest of my body down, a sudden migraine came rushing into my skull and little flows on blood that clearly weren't from my foot could be seen. I felt weak, everything was spinning and it wouldn't stop. I tried to stay awake but I just couldn't. My eyes shut, I couldn't help myself. I was going to drown.

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