Chapter 2 (greysons pov:)

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  "WAVE!" I shouted as loud as my lungs would go, paddling back to shore as quick as I could. I could feel the wave close behind me but I knew I wouldn't be catching it peacefully. I was almost to the point where I could carry my board in when the wave scooped me up, threw me around, and slammed me harshly onto the shelly part of the beach. I could feel the shells sticking to my hands. I stood up and started to pull the shells one by one out of my hand. I noticed Olive wasn't here. I looked out onto the reef searching for any sight of her. "MATTHEWS?" I called out. No response."Shit, just how I wanted my day to go." I unleashed my board and swam out. I could see her board but no Olive. I swam to her board as I realized her leash wasn't attached to her ankle. I grabbed the paddle board anchor she had brought out and set it to the sea floor so the board wouldn't float away. I swam around calling for Olive and searching when I finally reached the coral bed. There were a few bubble that came up to the surface. There were way to many to have come from a fish. "Olive?" I said swimming to where I had seen the bubbles. My heart was racing, I was terrified. I reached where the bubbles had came up and started to search underwater. I searched the coral when I saw something flowing through the coral, it was a bright color. The color was blonde. "Olive!" I thought as I swam down to her. She looked unconscious. Her body was limp and simply swaying to the current of the water. I noticed her foot was stuck in some coral and bleeding. I swam up to get some air. When I came back down I noticed her head was bleeding too. I grabbed a piece of large sea rock and beat it off the coral trapping her foot. I had nearly broken it all off but the main piece keeping her foot in place wouldn't snap. I set my rock down and cupped her checks in my hands. I tried tapping her and shaking her but her eyes never opened. I knew she must be out of air. I grabbed the rock and started pounding it again, I wouldn't let the girl I just met die. I could feel my heart rate more as I started to get the rock to break. It finally snapped but Olive started to sink further down. "Shit, her lungs don't have air in them." I thought to myself as I looped an arm around her chest and paddled up to the surface as fast as I could. I took a large gasp of air in, then setting her head back on my shoulder. Her bright blonde hair was all over me but I could care less. I swam us over to her surfboard and set her down on the board first, once she was on and laying on her back as I pushed myself up onto the board. I pulled the anchor up and paddled towards shore as quick as my arms would allow me. Once we reached shore I carried her bridal style off the board and lay her on the beach. Pushing her hair out of her face I knelt in to listen for breath sounds, she had a heartbeat but she wasn't breathing. "Olive I need you to breath please." I said once I started chest compressions. "One, two, three, four, five." I counted before opening her mouth and plugging her nose to give her air. I continued compressions for 2 more minutes before she finally came around. Her bright blue eyes flung open and then quickly shut as she spit up water. I rolled her to her side and patted her back, "There you go, get it all out." Once she was done I sat her up into my arms. She seemed so weak, I couldn't just leave her. Clearly I was wrong about the weak part. Just as I had picked her up I received a painful punch which made me drop her in the sand, that was a bad idea as well because I received a swift but painful punch to the eye after. "Ow, fuck man what was that for?" I asked holding my eye. She had a good arm. "What did you think you were doing?" She asked clearly mad at me. "Saving your fucking life." She sighed. "I didn't need saved. I was fine." I grabbed my board, "Really? All that water you coughed up didn't seem like you were fine." She continued walking off mad as can be. "Hey listen I didn't mean to make you mad but I couldn't just let you die!" She stopped dead in her tracks. Her blonde bloodstained hair blowing in the wind as her shoulders dropped. My knee was killing me from that injury earlier so I sat back down watching her. I heard a whimper, nearly like a cry and then another followed. She was crying, and I was most likely the cause. She started to drop again. I sprang up from my near kneel and ran to her side, I caught her shoulders just before she hit the sand. So many bruises and cut became visible from her wave incident. I felt sick, like there was something more I could have done, acting like if I didn't notice she didn't resurface she would be dead right now. Olive, can we both just go to the hospital, my knee needs disinfected real good and I think you should get checked for a concussion and maybe get some stitches on the cut from where you were stuck in the coral. She sighed again and just when I thought she was going to hit me or scream, she didn't, she went limp and almost snuggled into me. "Sure, but what am I gonna tell my parents?" I looked down at her, she was clearly weak. "I'll deal with them if they have questions, alright? My parents are gonna question me too." I left her sit there in the sand as I strapped our boards onto my Jeep. I grabbed her phone and her car keys from her jeep and tossed them in mine. When I turned to open my car door I noticed she hadn't gotten up yet. I had already placed towels on my seats even tho neither of us were all that wet anymore. "Olive you need help?" I said slightly limping over to her. "I'm fine I've got it." She said back to that grumpy tone. She managed to stand up when her knees buckled in and she fell straight to the sand she had just been sitting in. I could tell that confident grumpy girl who just told me to back off had disappeared. I bent down, my knee throbbed but I could care less, and scooped her into my arms. "What are you doing, I-I said I had it." I smiled "Just let me help you for once." I carried her to my passenger seat and sat her down. I closed her door and walked to my seat starting the car. We were still around 10 miles or so from the hospital when "22" by Taylor Swift came on my radio. I've never seen a girls face light up the way hers did, she almost had a sparkle in her eyes as she started to hum the lyrics. "You like this song?" I ask. "Uhm, yea I do." She said with a slight quiver to her voice. "Alright then let's sing, I know I good bit and you shouldn't have to hum the whole song, let's be injured little swifties." Her smile grew even bigger as she began to sing the lyrics. Once it got to the main chorus of course we both were screaming " I don't know about you, but I'm feelin 22, everything will be alright if you keep me next to you!" 2 miles out from the hospital and we were screaming Taylor Swift in my car both covered in nasty salt water, blood, and sand. I knew this girl was gonna stick with me. She was going to be something that kept me up at night.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 30, 2023 ⏰

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