I'll be your mommy

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“Holy crap!” Ayla cursed as her earrings fell to the ground. It finally stopped rolling and as Ayla bent to pick it, she heard a muffled cry. A boy was hiding there. He was about three  years and was really cute.

  “Hey sweetie, what’s wrong?” The boy stared at her with his round Misty eyes before sobbing loudly. “I don’t want Daddy anymore, I want a mommy”.

Looking at his cute face, she almost wanted to cry. “Okay, so where’s your mommy,  I’ll take you to her”. The time the boy wailed loudly. “I.. I don’t have a mommy”. This time, Ayla sniffed as well, she was too touched. “his Dad must be really mean” She thought aloud unknowingly. “Okay sweetie, don’t cry, I’ll be your mommy”.

   The boy’s lips curved up revealing a very cute smile. “Really, really, you’re going to be my mommy?”. She smiled back at him.

   Their happy moment was interrupted by a ring of her phone, and her smiley face was replaced with a frown, “Okay sweetie, I have to go okay, let me take you to the child care center. But the little guy held on to the Hem of her dress. “mommy, are you going to leave?”. Ayla’s heart sizzled “ I have to go sweetie, but we’ll see again okay”. With that she dashed out, failing to realize the smug smile in the little guys lips.

    Almost immediately, Andre rushed into the child care center to find his son, who was surprisingly cooperative. “ Is there anything you’d like to tell me, Dimitri”. He asked with a raised brow. “ Well, I found a mommy”. “Must be one of those sick girls”. But Dimitri was quick to defend. “ No, she’s really nice and caring, and she said you’re a mean bully, she’s also gonna see me pretty soon” Andre ignored his son and muttered to himself.  “Unfortunately, that wouldn’t happen”.

    Ayla got to the company and was relieved that she was on time, she wasn’t ready to face the rumored “terrifying man”.  Finally she was accepted and was the secretary to the CEO. She sighed “things are going to take a different turn”. She was lead to her office on the highest floor which was situated beside the CEO's office. She smiled inwardly.

   The room was quite spacious and was painted in Black and White. The mahogany black table sparkled under the sun gaze as she sat on the swivel chair. She heard some noise and hurriedly drop her things before heading out. She suddenly heard a familiar voice.

   “Mommy!” she stiffened as she saw that familiar face, it was the boy from the mall.Her gaze shifted to the man standing beside him seemingly, he was her boss. He had a surprised expression for a moment before returning back to him expressionless face. Without saying a word, she followed him quietly into his office, his assistant, Nathan as well as all the staff on the upper floor we’re shocked as gossip sprouted everywhere as soon as the CEO was out of site.

    As Ayla prepared to enter his office, she subconsciously swallowed her spit  so as not to have any mouth hindrance when proving herself ‘not guilty'.
“ Come in”. A already sitting Andre said. She walked in but the little boy clamped her legs with his little hands. She felt like crying, especially now that her boss had his brows raised while looking at her. “ It’s not what you think, sir. He was... I did that to comfort him, I didn’t really think he’ll take it serious. There was a demeaning silence. “ Dimitri here has a retentive memory  than  an average person, and you made his day by saying I’m a mean bully”. Ayla was amused but then she quickly added “ That was just an attempt to cheer him up, I didn’t really mean it, I never even knew you before.” Her excuse was acceptable at least, she never knew him.
    The next thing she heard shook her. “ Dimitri, please excuse us for a moment”. She looked at the little guy who was proving stubborn. “ I’m not going anywhere, Nathan who had been quietly standing,  suddenly got a stare from Andre and he immediately understood what he had to do. “Um, Dimitri, let’s go get an ice cream”. Even with his protest, he got dragged out.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 31, 2023 ⏰

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