Chapter 2 : Sam

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"Hey all, Samantha is here!" She said this, holding her phone up to her face like she was starting one of her famous vlogs. Sam is outgoing, outspoken, and always seeks new adventures. She is an energetic woman who has a passion for music and a talent for creating entertaining content. She is an aspiring DJ and has a sizeable following on social media platforms, especially Instagram.

She lives in San Francisco with her friend Betty. Sam and Betty have been inseparable since high school. They study arts and music together at one of the top colleges in California.

Her friend Betty is getting married, and she was asked to be the bridesmaid. Sam was really excited to be at the wedding because this was the first time she had experienced something like this. She had never been a bridesmaid before.

She was also asked to be the DJ for her reception, and she already had a list of songs she was going to play on her best friend's special day. All these thoughts of the wedding had her very excited.

The night of the wedding had finally arrived, and Sam was in a hurry to get to the venue. "I can't believe Betty is getting married!" she exclaimed. She was hoping she would find a cab soon, as the last thing she wanted on earth right now was to miss the wedding. She's been walking for 10 minutes now, and yet there's been no sight of a single cab. She was getting stressed and worried that she might miss the train.

The city kind of had this post-apocalyptic vibe to it tonight. There were Christmas decorations everywhere, and the whole city was covered in lights, but the streets were mostly empty, and you could hardly catch anyone out here other than a few homeless people she encountered occasionally. She was now worried and scared.

Lost in her thoughts, she saw what seemed like a taxi coming from the end of one of the street intersections and proceeded to run towards it. She ran with her luggage, maintaining her balance and trying not to fall while whistling and yelling for the cab. The cab stopped.

"Thank God," she said. "At least things would be on track from now on."

She proceeded to grab the door when she felt something big touching her hand. She looked on her side and saw it was a tall man, and they were both holding the door together.

"Hey, what are you doing? Let go. The cab is mine," I say.

"I hailed the cab, so it stopped. This cab is mine," replied the guy.

"I've been calling this cab for the last 5 minutes. It stopped for me. Will you stop being an idiot and let go? I don't want to start an argument; I'm running late already," I say while being annoyed by that guy.

"Do everything in your upper socket work, or you're some sort of crazy bitch," replied the guy in a rather furious tone.

"What did you just call me?! You asho-"

While I was about to lose my calm and latch onto that guy with all my stress and anger, I felt that my hands were not holding onto something anymore, and I could hear what sounded like the cab, but it was far away and it was moving further away from me. I tried running after it, but it was of no use, It didn't stop.

"You asshole! Look what you did now. You made me miss my cab!" I screamed at him.

I was panting from all the running I did to catch the cab. I looked up and I saw him running, and I guess it's time I start to run too with all the strength I have left in me; otherwise, I will be late or worse, miss the wedding of my best friend.

"How could that guy act like a complete jerk? That cab was totally mine. He made me lose it, and it's thanks to him that I'm running late at night in this cold." I think while heading towards the station.

Somehow I managed to be at the station at 2:33 am, and I was really hoping that it would be one of those times when the train runs a little late and I would still be able to make it.

It felt like maybe I would be able to make it, and for a moment I even forgot about that annoying guy and put all my brain and energy into running as fast as I could down the stairs to the platform.

"Noo, I'm late." I yelled while I saw the last boogie of the train leave the platform.

"If I see him again anywhere, I will kill that guy." I think as I felt all my anger and frustration over missing the train go towards him.

"Talk about being a jerk. Ever heard the phrase "ladies first"? He could've just been polite and let me have the cab. But no, he had to be an asshole." I think as I feel while feeling like ripping off that guy's head.

I took a few deep breaths and tried to stop thinking of the thousands of ways I was planning to torture that guy before I made him beg for the mercy of death. I was interrupted as my eyes met someone's and toy amazed it was that same annoying jerk from before...

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