Chapter 4

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Riker's POV

As I carried Elli up the stairs she slowly calmed down a bit, when I finally put her down in my room she had she da couple of tears.

"Hey, Elli why are you crying. You didn't do anything wrong. Is it what Rocky said because I'll beat him up for you." I said earning a small giggle.

"It's just I feel bad for reacting like that. I mean I jumped on Rocky and yelled in his face. I couldn't help it thought, this world treats men and woman without equality and when a close friend like that said that I just broke." Elli said now fully crying.

"You know he was joking and dint mean to get you upset." I said wrapping my arms around her to comfort her.

"Yeah, but now he probably hates me. I would if I were him." She said into my chest.

"Hates a strong word Elli and he could never hate you, you're pretty, smart, funny, cool, and a lot of other good thing too." I said hing to cheer her up.

"You think I'm pretty?" Elli asked looking up for the first time.

"Um....well....yeah..." I stuttered out.

Before I knew it she was leaning in and so was I. When our lips touched I felt sparks. It lasted about 2 seconds but I didn't care.
By this time Elli had stopped crying and had a goofy grin on her face.

"Well I guess this would be the right time........would you like to go on a date with me tomorrow night?" I asked hoping she'd say yes.

"I'd love to, pick me up at 8" she said giving me a hug.

Here's a little chapter I threw together before going to bed. Sorry it's short but at least there's some Sparks in the story now. ~Kay✌🏽️🍍

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