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(Mate's pov)

(I dunno just roll with it....)
I sniffed about the body of my mate. I whined and barked, but I didn't dare howl for fear the vampire would hear me. I was afraid, hurt, and angry. I more angry than I was scared; I wanted payback. He took my mate from me; now I'll take his.

He will with suffer the same pain as I. He will know the pain I suffer.

I sniffed about Sai's death site for the humans scent. It took me several minutes before I found his scent upon a nearby tree. I sniffed the tree and an image of what happened made it's way in my mind. I sighed and licked my lips; I knew exactly who to look for.

(Eren's pov)

I sat on the couch in the lounge room fooling around with the pendant on the chain. He said it would protect me... does that mean he thinks something bad is gonna happen. Or is he just taking precautions? I looked out the window at the sky. It was nearly midday and Levi still wasn't back.

I was getting really worried that something had happened to him. What if he was hurt? He could be dying! What if he got lost? I mean, it's a big forest out there... All of theses 'what ifs' flooded through my mind giving me a headache. So I went upstairs to my room holding my head with my hand.

Several time I had to stop or else I would have fallen down the steps. But eventually, I made it into the room and on the bed. I payed spread eagle across the bed, and fell asleep.

(Levi's pov)

I knew I shouldn't have left Eren alone, but I couldn't take him with me. I'd had a bad feeling in the pit of my stomach ever since this morning. But I had to hunt; I could try ignore that. If I did, I might attack Eren or some other human.

As that thought crossed my mind, I realized how much in the past few days I'd changed. And it all started as soon as I saw Eren. I'd turned tame; honestly, I was actually enjoying it. Though, I would have to go back to my old habits when it came to protecting my territory.

It was nearly midday, and so far I'd only found a few foxes. I would have to return soon to check on Eren and make sure everything was alright. I shook my head and sighed before continuing on through the forest.

(Mate's pov)

As I neared the house that belonged to him, I stopped at the edge of the premises and sniffed the air. I would have to wait if he was still here, and even then if he didn't take the human with him.

I smiled; he wasnt here, only the human. Quietly I crept up and into the house.

Sniffing around, I followed the scent upstairs and into a room. The boy lay across a bed towards the opposite side of the room. I stalked over to him only to find the boy asleep. This would be easy. I raised my paw and brought it down over the boys heart, only to be shoved backwards by an invisible force.

I was shoved backward and the boy was jostled. He woke up sleepily and sat up rubbing his eyes. But he stopped and froze when I growled. Since I had the door blocked, the only way for him to escape was through the window.

I charged at the human and he dodged aside. I rammed into the side of the bed trying to change directions on the hardwood. He tried to make a beeline for the door; I cut him off and pounced on him. I was flung backwards again, but only a couple of feet.

I chased him as he ran for the window. The little shit kept knocking things over in my path making it harder to get him. But I eventually had an opening and jumped for him. Just before I landed on him, the human turned around and we both went through the window. Dammit. He probably heard that.

We fell down three stories before landing on the ground with me on top of him. As we made impact with ground, I heard a satisfying crunch and then his blood curdling scream.

I could already tell his spine, left leg, right arm and shoulder blade, as well as his hip was broken. His spine had punctured one of his lungs. He would die a slow death of suffocation. Knowing that, I left there screaming and crying on the ground dying.

(Levi's pov)

I couldn't take it any longer; I left the puma and raced back for the house. On the way I heard the sound of breaking glass and then a scream. My skin crawled as it rang out; then I realized it was Eren. At that point I pushed dmyself as fast as I could to get back to him.

By the time I'd gotten there, the place stank of wolf, and Eren was lying on the ground crying. I ran over to him and knew he was leaving. Gently, I took his broken body into my arms and held him. He was in to much pain to get a word out, but I could see it in his eyes. He didn't want to die, he was afraid.

Afraid that he would disappear and everyone would forget about him. He was afraid that if he closed his eyes, he wouldn't wake up. I decided right then and there, I wasn't going to make the same mistake twice. I wasn't going to lose him again.

"Hey Eren. I need you to listen to me. I'm going to make the pain go away. I'll make you better again; you won't die. Don't you want me to fix you?" It took him a little while before he was able to give a small nod. "This may hurt a little at first, but I promise you'll be better on the end."

I gently bent down and turned his head to the side exposing his neck and collarbone. As slowly as I could, I bit down.

Eren gasped, but his throat was so raw, he could only manage a squeak. I licked my lips clean before I pulled away and stared at his face. His eyes were dropping; the first sign that it was working. I kissed him on the lips as his eyes closed and he fell asleep. "I'll see you tomorrow; alive and well."


Aaand boom! Lol so here it is. Chapter ten and vamp Eren. I hope this has satisfied your needs FreedomKing4568 lol. Hope you guys enjoyed.


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