Chapter 21

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Pov: Emma

The next three days were spent thoroughly plotting my 'getting them back together' mission, and now, it was finally time for the first main event. Nervously, I walk up to Tim. "Hey Tim, I need a favor."

Pov: Y/n

I was talking to one of the makeup artists when Tim approached me. „Hey, Y/n, could you come with me for a minute?" he asked. I immediately started worrying I did something wrong and was about to get fired, but of course, I still agreed and let him lead me to his trailer and sat down once we headed inside. "So, next week, we will do some scenery shots and finish the script of the last episode. We won't need any of the main cast for that, so I arranged a one-week vacation for them in Hawaii, starting Sunday. I would love it if you went with them to document everything. Not too immensely, of course, so they don't feel like it's work instead of vacation, and so you can enjoy yourself too. You just do the same that you've been doing here - catch moments you feel like they need to be captured. Feel free to bring your own style into this, or you can also just film some moments, documentary-style."

Wow, okay... That's not what I expected, but a vacation in Hawaii? I will definitely not pass on that, even if it meant spending time with Jenna after not talking to her for one month now. "Oh, I would love that! Thank you for giving me the opportunity," I say excitedly. "Of course, I'm really pleased with your work so far. You're the right one to do the job," he smiles.

Then, he gives me the details for the vacation. It's Friday today, and the flight would leave Sunday at 7 am, the return flight the following Sunday at noon. And I would still get paid for the week because I'm doing my typical job! So a vacation on the beach with friends, that I would get money for? It almost sounds too good to be true.

The evening of that day, I spent at Emma's. I've been practically living there recently, and I really enjoyed it - she was such an easy person to be around and always managed to cheer me up when I was sad about Jenna. Right now, we're sitting on the couch watching Brooklyn 99 when someone knocks at the door. "It's open," Emma says, not quite yelling but loud enough to hear for whoever was behind the door, and much to my despair, Jenna walked in. She stops midstep when she sees me. "Oh, hi, Y/n," she says. I give her a tight-lipped smile in return and turn toward Emma. She got the message and starts talking. "What's up, Jenna?" she asks. "Uhm, I just wanted to talk to you for a minute. Can we-" she says, and points to Emma's bedroom.

Emma gets up and walks to the bedroom, Jenna following close behind. We both avoid looking at each other when she passes the couch, and she quickly closes the door behind her when she enters the bedroom. I hear them talking in whispers, and it takes everything in me not to walk to the door to listen to what they're saying. They're in there for about two minutes which I spend scrolling on my phone. When the door bolts open, Jenna practically storms out of the apartment, and Emma walks out of the room looking stressed.

"Hey, what was that about?" I ask when she sits down next to me again. "I can't tell you, I'm sorry," she says with an apologetic smile. "It's alright, don't worry. Are you okay, though?" I ask because she still seems tense. She shakes her head and sinks into the couch cushions. "Want a hug?" I ask, and she nods, so I pull my arms around her. I don't persist in trying to talk about it. I'm sure whatever it was has something to do with this whole situation, and it makes sense that she can't tell me. So instead, I hold her for a while and let her relax - which she does, and I can quickly feel the tension leave her body as she rests her head on my shoulder.

After that, we kept watching the show for a few episodes before going to bed. I slept in her bed every night, and we would end up cuddling almost every time. No scrap that, every time. But today, she turned her back to me, signaling she didn't want to. I can't help but wonder if it has something to do with the conversation she had with Jenna... hopefully, I'll find out someday. But for now, I'll let her be and try to sleep too.


The next day, I wake up at 10 am and immediately smell food, which makes me smile. It's what I woke up to every morning without fail. I walk into the kitchen, greeted by the sight of Emma making pancakes. "Morning," she smiles when she sees me standing in the doorway. "Morning," I croak with my typical morning voice. I go to the toilet, and when I return, she has everything ready on the table.

We eat and then begin to pack for Hawaii, but neither of us packed a swimming suit coming here, so we go to the store to get some. We also get sunscreen and card games before heading home again. We don't do much that day except watching Netflix and talking about the upcoming vacation. At one point, she asks how I feel about Jenna being there, and I tell her I'm nervous because I don't know if I will be able to avoid her as well as I've been doing it here. After all, Tim arranged the vacation, and the last thing he knew was that we were a couple, so who knows what kind of sleeping situation awaited us there.

We go to bed early that day, alarm set for 4 am so we can go to the airport on time.


this is so short & boring i'm sorry 💀

BUT there's some stuff about to go down on that vacation so stay tuned hehe

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Together at last  || Jenna Ortega x Y/n (female)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin