Sleepower Pt.1

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Kai Pov

It's been so different lately when Lloyd woke up, because Lloyd is only busy with his students.

Meanwhile, Zane is trying to figure out what happened to him after the merge because he doesn't remember anything!

Butt the worst part is that Nya is sitting in his room crying all the time now.
I know she misses Jay because he's his yang.

The only thing I do is play video games and stop merge quakes with the others

Lloyd Pov

Well my students are very good but there are three things.

Arin misses his family a lot because I hear every night that Arin is crying and sora is trying to comforte him.

Wyldfire is uncontrollable she breaks everything and shoots everyone with fireballs, only his mother can reason with her.

And Sora is so hard on herself when she's back from Imperium. She doesn't believe in herself. Most of the time she dreams during the day but at night she never sleeps neither she comfort Arin or she look up at the sky and stare at the stars.

And I have always nightmare because the Vision.

Nya Pov

I'm in my room as usual because everything in this monestary reminds me of Jay.
In the living room he always gambled video games, in the bathroom he once filmed Kai singing in the shower in the kitchen we always ate together and outside we always trained.
I really hope he finds us soon cause i just can't go on anymore.
Maybe I'd be better off traveling back to the Cloud Kindom and then finding scrolls to keep my mind a bit distracted.

Arin Pov

I was in my room with Sora. I thought of my family how happy and peaceful it was. I still did my ninja moves, went to school and played with my best friends. I just felt empty.
"Arin, everything will be fine, I know you will see your family again. You have to be a little bit more strong until your parents find you because parents would never give up on you," Sora whisper in my ear. Then she wipe my tears with her fingers and hug me. I hug her back because parents really never give up on.

Lloyd Pov

I am in the kitchen with Kai cooking a cake then suddendly Zane appear and yell ,,SLEEPOWER SLEEPOWER SLEEPOWER TONIGHT "

,,Zane are you ok , and why you want to make a Sleepower?", ask Kai with a worried noise .

,,Yes i am ok and we will make a sleepower to chep everyone up ! " , answer Zane.

,, We can't do a Sleepower without planning nothing "  complain I

,,Yes we can we will just improvise thats all Lloyd, be a little optimist and Zane is right everyone is sad. Nya is crying like Arin. Sora is very hard on herself. And Wyldfire is just unbelievable. She burned the COMPUTER this morning how should I now  break Cole's Highscore !?" complain Kai

,,Actually it is mine Highscore remeber?" said I.

,,Will it be a sleepower or not ?"ask Zane with the little angry voice.

,,Yes it will be a Sleepower tonight Kai you inform Nya and I will inform my students. Sleepower will start after the dinner." said I

Then I went to the living room and I yelled ,,ARIN,SORA AND WYLDFIRE COME HERE NOW!!"

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