"Why hello..."

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*News* welcome to the morning news of Denver today we are here to announce the disappearance or a young boy named Mattie believed to have been kidnapped bye the grabber another kidnapping we hope cop's find him soon

(A few days earlier)
(Mattie's POV)
It's been a few months since Finn's been documented as dead I kinda feel bad for his sister Gwen she's bad ass and all but since he's been gone she's reminding me of Vance but she doesn't get into fights she's just got the same attitude I'm walking home with her this time to apologize "Gwen wait!" I said running to her side "What do you fucking want Mattie to beat the shit out of me to?" She asked looking annoyed putting her hand on something in her pocket

"I just wanted to say sorry about your brother I know you guys were close" I said she smiled slightly and grabbed my hand as a black Van came by "What?" I asked as she let go of me "Sorry it's just that's the Van I seen grab bruce yamada but the cops don't believe me" she said I was wondering if she could help find Finn but soon we got to her house "bye Mattie" she said quietly "bye" I said back after a while I seen the van again but it was parked by a house

"Ahhh well isn't that just peachy Keen" a man said Infront of me he tripped with all his groceries "hello there young man could you please help me?" I nodded he seemed like a good man "actually can you grab my keys I have weak knees and they fell under the truck " he said smiled at him and crawled under to look I couldn't find them so I came up "Sir are you sure" he nodded when I went down to check again he hit me over the head and threw me into the van when I woke up someone was patching my head up "Ugh what happened?" I asked not opening my eyes "keep your head down in not done yet" I heard the voice sounded familiar like someone I know I shot my head up "FINN?" I asked "Shhhh he'll hear you" he hissed at me I sat down again and let him finish my head when an old man came down

(Finn's POV)
I was drawing on my arm when I heard the grabber whistle at me I stopped and looked at him he had a body in his hands he was bleeding from his head I grabbed him from the grabber and sat him down in the corner and the grabber gave me some bag's full of bandages and other stuff when he left I started to bandage him up after about 30 minutes he woke up he rasped "Ugh what happened?" I told him to stay still and that I wasn't done and he shot his head up and yelled I told him to hush and as I was finishing up the grabber came down

(Present time)

(Mattie's POV)
It's been a few days since I was kidnapped the grabber wants us to call him father I didn't do it until he threatened to hit me after a while I noticed the walls I looked at them for awhile Finn does this to pass the time here after a while I zoned out "Mattie"  "Mattie?" "MATTIE????" I heard I shook my head to the feeling of my body being shook around I blinked and looked up the grabber seemed very worried "Sorry what happened?" I asked "well I'm gonna make y'all go to school..." He said a bright light of excitement "But I'm making you both look like girls and I told the school that you both are mute so you can't even try to talk." He said and I slumped down a bit "Why?" Finny asked "because I have to go to work" the grabber rasped at him

(Finns POV)
"But Father please..." He said "no... You know what prove to me you can speak Spanish first and I'll let you both stay" he said "why?" I asked he gave me a hard stare so I looked back and took a deap breath "hola mi nombre es Finny Tengo 13 años este es mi hermano Mattie ¿Ya terminé papá?" I said he clapped "I'll allow it but this door is staying locked at all times " he said I nodded and threw the duffle back he took from when he kidnapped me "look kids I get that y'all wanna go home and your scared... But I'm not gonna hurt you anymore " I grabbed his hand and stabbed it with my rocket it went through his hand he fell to the ground and got really angry Mattie grabbed a pencil from my duffle bag

I pushed the grabber to the ground he started crying a bit I took my pen and aimed towards his eye and threw it soon me and Mattie killed him mostly me but then " YES FUCKING YES"  "WHAT NO HOW COULD THAT THING KILL HIM??" i froze in my spot I told Mattie to wait for me upstairs I knew the voice they were all yelling I was holding my pen my hands shaking violently "w-what " silence"Boi what is you doing go already " I turned around to see the original victim's my best friends "V-vance" I said running to him I fell to my knees "Woah Woah Starboy you can see me?" He asked I nodded and started to cry historically robin coming to my side when he noticed my arm it has recently new cuts "Finn..." I looked at him and looked at where he was staring my arm I covered it billy noticed he whispered to Vance and soon I was being carried like a baby and Vance started calling cop's Bruce had been carrying griffin after a while I fell into a restless sleep I hadn't slept properly since I was kidnapped soon I was being shook awake when I opened my eyes it was my father I held my hand out and got up I blinked and he grabbed me "FINNY WE THOUGHT YOU WERE DEAD" my father yelled sobbing "He wanted to keep me as a son..." I said realizing what I just did I ran out the house 'Vance' I needed Vance I ran about a mile away from my house seeing all these black vehicles made me sad when I got to Vance's house I knocked on the door and waited and waited soon I Started playing with my fingers when the door opened it was Vance's mother "Hi Mrs Hopper" i said nervous "Hello Finn Vance just drove to your friend Robin's house he was about to text you to get ready " I nodded and waved and soon was running two miles more and called Vance"Hey Starboy I'm about to leave to pick you up " "H-Hey I'm about to pull up to robins I just ran here from your place "  soon his car came round the corner and he opened the door to grab me and put me in the car while motioning Bruce to grab a water bottle from his duffle bag I was forced to drink it but couldn't so Vance opened the car door when we got to Robin's and drove to my house to grab my stuff don't know why but soon he came back with my stuff plus Gwen she seen me and laughed while crying"I knew it... I knew you would kill him" she said hugging me after a while Vance told everyone to change into our swimming stuff

Okay so I noticed how long the bonus part was and I'm keeping it that way but I'm proud of myself for making a chapter this long we will continue this  later

"Be Good"Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu