Death is not the end

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*Warning: Mature Language, Death, Blood, Wounds*

I can't believe I'm going to die.
It's all his fault.
My kidnapper.
A highly trained agent of SHELD can't even save herself? I guess death comes for all of us in the end.
All I could see was Loki laughing as the room darkened or was it my vision? My life force fleeing from me. My head felt warm. Blood.
Someone else came in but I could not see. My eyes were so tired. It was hard to stay awake.
I don't wanna die.
I screamed as I woke up. It was my room. The posters on the wall of all the singers I enjoyed. The shelves covered with my childhood toys and photos of me and my family. Where was I? Didn't I just die?
My phone was ringing, it was Steve Rodgers. Didn't he die too?
"Hey, Y/N! You awake? Tony wants us at the HQ as soon as you can. When do you think you could make it?"
"Um.. I'll be there"
I felt bad hanging up on him but it was so surreal hearing from my dead team mate. I missed his voice.
I slowly got out of bed and explored the room as if it was the first time. Books unread, memories not made yet. Was this truly real or a sick sense of heaven?
I tried to remember the moments before my death, it was all still hazy. Maybe that was for the best.
I changed into my casual work clothes, grabbed my car keys and left towards the avengers compound. Even my car felt unfamiliar. I guess I hadn't got into the accident yet. What day is it?
"Good morning, Y/N! Coffee?" Steve greeted me with a smile, handing me a cup of black coffee.
"Thanks, I needed that." I took the offering and sat near Natasha Romanoff, a former red room spy now avenger.
"Good morning, everyone. Today, I would like to announce our newest member, Y/N! Even though She has been working with us for years, it was finally time to make her a officially avenger." Tony Stark started the meeting promptly. I smiled as everyone looked at me. The moment replaying just as it did the first time.
"Thank you. I'm excited to work with you all" I smiled. "Officially"
The team consisting of Steve Rodgers, Natasha Romanoff, Tony Stark, Bruce Banner, Thor Odinson, Sam Wilson, and Wanda Maximoff all gave their congratulations. The team I started with. It must be 5 years ago. I traveled 5 years into the past. Maybe to fix something? Maybe to live? Save someone? I may never know. That means I haven't met them yet.
"Alright, that's all the information about that mission. Everyone got their part? After the mission, we will truly celebrate the new avenger!" Tony finished talking and concluded the meeting. I still was in shock as to see my dead team mates walking, talking, smiling as if there wasn't a care in the world.
I tried to slip out as quickly and quietly as I could but Thor spotted me.
"Y/N! I have something to ask of you!" Thor was bursting with energy as always, he wrapped his arm around my shoulder. He pulled me out of the room.
"What's up, Thor?"
"You know my brother, Loki? I know you may not trust him but maybe you could try being friends with him and maybe should the team that has changed."
This is the moment that changed my life to begin with. I let Loki into my life and he killed me.
"Let me think on it, Thor. You are a good friend and all but that's a tough ask. Even if I did try, I'm busy and don't have time for extra friends." Lies. Lies to keep him busy.
"That's all I ask. I do appreciate it!" Thor hugged me. I felt like I could die for a second time with how tightly he was hugging me. "Oh right, mortals." He laughed as he let go.
I didn't want to sleep that night in case it was all a dream. I slipped into something comfortable yet able to retain warmth better and went for a morning fall walk. My old neighborhood still stood in place, the birds chirping, dogs barking. The peace and quiet. Maybe this was heaven after all.
I bumped into someone and we both fell down.
I wasn't paying attention, that's a first.
"I'm so sorry, are you okay?" I rushed to get up and offer my hand.
A familiar metal hand reached out and used my hand to pull himself up.
"I'm okay, are you?" He looked me straight into my eyes. Bucky Barnes.
But wait, this isn't how we met? Was it?
No. We met at the party.
I changed time.
Maybe I could change my fate.
"I'm okay, thank you and again, I'm so sorry. Please let me buy you a coffee to say sorry"
"Sure" he hesitated, of course he would. I'm a stranger.
"I'm Y/N, you are?" I smiled.
"Nice to meet you, Bucky"
Inspired by "Marry my Husband" A Webtoon comic written by LICO

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