Even the Devil Bleeds

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*Warning: Blood, Death and grief*

"Matt, Stop. Please don't leave." I begged, tears forming. Matt Murdock, Daredevil, The Daredevil, was just about to leave through my living room window. "I need you"
Instead of staying and being with me, he left swiftly. I fell to the floor, sobbing. The love of my life, Matthew, couldn't even stay to comfort me during my grieving process. Who could blame him? He needed to be Daredevil, without it, he wouldn't be himself. He is grieving too.
Not only is Peter Parker, my original, but he was a friend.
Peter Parker passed away a few days ago. He was killed by Wilson Fisk, Kingpin. He was trying to save a little girl. Fortunately, Matt stepped in and saved her but he couldn't save Peter.
Peter's funeral is on Saturday. I cannot bear life without him after all he is the reason I exist. I'm a clone like Ben Reilly, technically we could be considered twins.
My brain is flooding with memories. It hurts. It hurts.
I fell asleep on the floor. I deserved the uncomfortably cold floor. I could have been Spider-Man instead of him, saved him. I could have.. I could have.. I wish I..
Crying in my sleep was normal but this one held a deeper meaning. Peter was like a friend, a father and mentor. I can't believe he is gone.
Saturday came and went. Matt was at the funeral but didn't speak to me. He left shortly after it ended. I waited for him to call or show up at my apartment like he would almost every night but he didn't.
I took that as a break up and moved forward.
Moved forward by staying home in bed for weeks, only leaving to take out the trash.
It was time to get out of this funk. I couldn't do it forever. I had already lost 5 pounds over it. I need to actually move forward. I started by cleaning my apartment. Finished the kitchen, bathroom, living room and started on my bedroom. The Closet.
As I took things out to reorganize, I saw my Spider-Man suit. The red and black didn't bring any tears and without hesitation, I changed into it. It still fit after all these years. Maybe a little big on me.
Swinging across Hell's Kitchen felt unnatural yet freeing.
A red streak joined my view.
I stopped at a nearby rooftop and he joined too.
Taking off my mask, I could feel the anger, love and sadness growing. Don't do this here. Not now.
Damn it. You did it here.
Daredevil turned to the direction of the voice.
I walked closer. Stop moving. I couldn't stop until I was able to hear his breathing. He took his mask off. He looked as charming as ever.
"We could have grieved together but instead you left me. So why?"
"I-" Before he could speak, bullets were firing at us.
"Y/N, down!" Matt grabbed me and we started running from rooftop to rooftop til we reached his place.
"Are you okay, Matt?" I said trying to catch my breath.
"I'm ok, are you?"
No. Something was wrong.
Blood everywhere.
I got shot.

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