Chapter 1

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Eliza was in Shape-shifting class when she spotted her boyfriend Michael, son of Aphrodite God of Love outside flirting with a girl and immediately got angry, Eliza being a fire elmental got angry and burst out in flames, she took an excuse to leave the classroom and spied on them, she saw him lead her into an empty classroom, she followed them quietly and eventually heard kissing noises coming from the empty class she angrily walked in as her hair engulfed in flames, she held the girl by her hand and her hand began to burn slowly, Eliza's eyes were bright red. The girl screamed in pain while Eliza increased the heat, Michael kept on telling her to stop but that made her even more angry, Eliza was about to hold her by the neck then Vanessa daughter of Tāwhirimātea, Godess of the weather walked in as drops of water surrounded her. She sent the water drops towards her and put out the flames the girl fell to the floor and began to cry, Eliza looked at her with pure hate and told her to get out and the girl immediately ran out. Eliza walked towards Michael and slapped him hard across the cheek and said "It's over you Perv!!". She took Vanessa by the hand and they both walked out. As Eliza walked out she burst out in tears and ran to the dorms and Vanessa followed behind. As they were in the dorm Eliza cried bitterly and Vanessa begged her to stop because the tears were burning holes through Vanessa's new carpet. Eventually she stopped after she heard the bell for break and was so excited that she completely forgot about the whole Michael situation, Vanessa reminded her and she responded saying "Well...Fuck him who needs boys anyways" Vanessa was in shock and just went along with it anyways. They arrived at the lunch hall and Eliza's hair engulfed in yellow flames because she was happy. Vanessa saw her hair and just laughed. After lunch Eben, Son of Anubis, God of death and the leader of the senior rank elementals walked up to Eliza and began to touch her hair, Eliza who thought he would do something completely stupid ,didn't move. Eben just laughed and was about to walk away when Jasmine, Daughter of Rati, Godess of Sexual desire walked up to them and asked Eliza for an apple, Eliza was about to give her the apple when Eben immediately interrupted and said " have you want...mi..mine?" as he begins to sweat profusely. Jasmine accepts his offer smiling and Eben stretched out his hand to give her the apple but accidentally crushed it to dust. Jasmine got upset and said "Well if you didn't want to give me the apple you would've just said so!" Eben tried to apologize but Jasmine already walked away. Eliza began to tease him saying "Oooooh A death elemental having the hots for a love  elemental I did not see that coming" Eben said "Oh shut  up!". The next day the Principal announced that the "Battle of the Elements" was fast approaching so he chose the best of the best to compete, he said" As this competition approaches I will pick the best of the best so when your name is called, please step out...Eliza daughter of Hades, Godess of Fire. Eben son of Anubis, God of Death. Vanessa Daughter of Tāwhirimātea, Godess of Weather. Jasmine Daughter of Rati, Godess of Lust. Gabriel son of Titan, leader of the Giants. Simeon son of Cullen, leader of the Vampire clan. Faviro son of Eros, God of love" The principal walked out and the people chosen were excited and stressed, But they still took on the job. A week later Eliza was walking to the bathroom when she heard giggling sounds. She opened the door and saw Michael and Beah daughter of Yolanda Godess of deceit, kissing and cuddling, she tried to calm down but she couldn't she tried calling Vanessa on the phone to try and get her to calm down but she wasn't picking up. Eventually Eliza totally lost it, her entire body engulfed in black flames showing that her intent was to kill, the flames burnt her school uniform to a crisp, her eyes were dark red and she began to float. She burst into the bathroom and wrapped her hands around Michael's neck. Michael's neck began to burn, but she didn't care then eventually his neck...


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