Chapter 3

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...and saw them KISSING?! Eliza was so confused as to how his emotions for Jasmine had faded so quickly, then she concluded that he might've been doing it out of sadness. She told Jasmine what she thought, but Jasmine couldn't understand. So they flew back to the school block and Eliza explained saying "Maybe he's doing all this cause of the bathroom incident. He could be really sad so he might be trying to take his mind off you. Jasmine nodded frantically and said "Yeah, yeah...that's the only logical explanation right?" Eliza just smiled and went to class. During study hall, Eliza walked to the Death elemental prep room and went to Eben's table. Upon approaching, Eben saw her and looked away. She arrived at his table and tried to make him laugh. Eventually he caved and asked her what she came for. Eliza said "Can I sit?" Eben moved over and Eliza took a sit, and they began to talk. "Look I'm sorry for getting you involved in me and Michael's problems and ruining your chances with- -" Eliza said but Eben didn't let her finish saying "It's okay, you're my friend and I don't regret helping you. I shouldn't have even stopped you, that jerk deserved to die, but anyway, you may have ruined my chances with Jasmine, but I still like her" Eliza looked confused and said "Wait, so you still like her? Then why were you and Ella kissing in the mermaid's cove?" Eben said "You were spying on me!?" Eliza put her hands up and replied "Well we weren't really spying, it was more of a...stumbling into a situation and watching?" Eben said "Wait...WE?! Who was with you!?" Eliza nervously laughed and said "Jasmine?" Eben got up and said " JASMINE SAW ELLA KISS ME?!" Eliza said "Okay calm down, so basically after all that stuff in the bathroom, Jasmine came to my dorm and started acting all bossy, so we tried to explain to her what Michael had done to me several times in the past, but she didn't believe. We told her that he was even with a sinful elemental and she said that we were lying , cause she saw Camille there not Beah, so we concluded that Beah had used her powers on Jasmine and well Jasmine didn't take it well so she went ULTRA INSTINCT on that bitch. Later on Today, she met me and told me that she liked you, so we searched the entire school looking for you, to the point that people were calling us "Dora and Boots". After some time, I decided to fly for a better view and then !!BAM!! kiss fest" Eliza stopped talking and started breathing heavily cause she had been talking too fast . Eben sat down and explained how Ella tricked him into going there and forced herself on him. Eliza believed immediately . Eben put his hands together and said "Please convince her to meet me so that I can make things right" Eliza smiled ad nodded. As she was about to leave, she heard a voice saying "Yoo! My guy, how you been?" and she immediately recognized it and had a flash back. In the flash back, she was in junior year and she was staring at something then she heard that voice again saying "Oh hey! You're a fire elemental right? You dropped this. By the way I'm- -" She snaps out of it and says to herself "- -Kelvin"


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