Cracks that Exude the Truth

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Janes feet pounded on the sidewalk in time with the beat of her heart; seeing her destination she speed up just a bit. She slowed down and began to walk when she got to the front of the small bar her mother worked at. The normal neon flashing open sign was off.
"Wonder why they left so early?" Jane said to herself. The bar usually closed at 12:30 and it was only 7:38. No longer worried about them, she hurried down the ally on the left side of the bar leading to her car.
Once Janes eye caught sight of the midnight blue Camaro, she ran to it throwing her upper half over the hood and splaying her arms out covering most of the length of the hood. She laied her head against the metallic paint job only done a few months ago.
" I'm glad I got you fixed up now." Jane said relieved. Her mother had pestered her about the paint job of the car for the last 3 months before she fixed it. She had said, ' Jane what if you need to take the car out somewhere other than behind this bar! What are you going to do ? That thing is so scratched up. Get it fixed!'
The car was a preowned and had been through it with the previous owner. So Jane had finally gave in and got a new paint job for it.
Jane pulled her self off of the car, walked to the drivers side and opened the door. As she slid in the front leather seat she pressed the button that dropped the top and stuck the key into the ignition, giving it a twist. The engine roared to life, Jane revved the engine slightly relishing in the sound. She put the car in reverse and backed out of the ally right on to the abnormally cleared street.
Everyone must be at those shops they have oped down the road, Jane thought. Shifting the car into drive she raced back to the Doctor.
Jane pulled over on the opposite side of the road from which she had left Maura, parked the car and got out to go get her but stopped when she saw she wasn't there. She checked and made sure that this was the spot she had left Maura at, it was. She knew that that was the shop Maura was assaulted at and had asked her to wait by.
Jane looked around not seeing very much because of the still crowded sidewalks. Knowing she wouldn't see anything from the opposite side of the street she made her way to the other side, not bothering to check both ways before she strutted across because of how empty the road was. She then looked for Maura, again struggling to see past all the people. She spun, looking and raised up on her tip toes to try and see over the sea of heads floating past her. She didn't see any sign of her.
" Ma'am?" Said a deep gravelly voiced man from behind Jane.
She turned around to meet the stranger of whose voice she just heard. It was a man in a nice, gray business suit with neat light brown hair and friendly green eyes. He was smiling politely.
"Are you speaking to me?" Jane asked skeptically.
"Yes. I was over at the Small Tokyo stand when you arrested those two men," The man pointed to one of small stands on the other side of the street. "I take it that you're looking for the woman that was with you?"
"Yes," Janes heart swelled with hope.
"She left not to long after you, walking the same direction." The man pointed in the direction of which Jane had previously left.
Jane ran her fingers through her hair, instantly let down."Thank you."
" No problem." The man then continued to walk past her and soon disappeared into the crowd .
Jane let her hand drop to her side, making a slapping sound as it hit her thigh.
There's nothing I can do if she left, I guess. Why did I have to stare the lady down like lun-
Jane's thoughts were interrupted by a now familiar voice.
" Jane! I'm over here!"
Jane looked in the direction the voice had come from and saw Maura waving at her. Jane smiled a full blown smile, happy that she didn't run her off. She ran over to Maura and fought the urge to hug her and thank her for not leaving.
" I didn't want to stand in the middle of the side walk.Or that shop." Her voice had dropped a little as the thoughts of the earlier harassment flooded her mind. She shivered and her voice immediately picked back up as she continued to speak."So I came over here to wait for you. Your very fast, by the way. I only got to 56 Rizzoli."
This caused Jane and Maura to both laugh. It was the first time Jane heard Maura laugh; she didn't want the melodic laughter to stop.
" Dr.Isles, -"
" Maura. Call me Maura, please." Maura interjected polightly.
" Maura," Jane loved the way the name rolled off of her tongue. "If you will, fallow me to my car so I may take you home." Jane held out her arm like a gentleman would when walking with a lady. Maura tentatively reach out and took her arm then smiled up at the detective. She noticed that Jane was at least 4 inches taller than her as Jane beamed back enthusiastically and walked her to the passenger side; Jane opened the door and helped her get inside safely, which was an accomplishment considering the high heels Maura was wearing was wearing. Jane shut the door and half ran to the drivers side. As Maura sat down her folder on the dashboard Jane climbed inside, turned the car on and looked at Maura and asked, "Dr.- err. Maura, where do you live? I know every street here in Boston and even some outside so don't worry about directions." Jane said confidently. Maura laughed at Janes obvious boasting and smiled brightly saying, "I live in Hill Creste loop area."
Janes eyes went wide in shock and underlined in fear as she took in the doctors words and processed them. Only the snobby rich people , and Janes worst fears, lived in Hill Creste loop, within huge three story mansions with Olympic sized in-ground swimming pools. Every person there had at least three sports cars and owned some part of the Mona Lisa by being a supposed descendant of Leonardo. Leaving out most of what had just ran through her head, Jane breathed out a laugh hoping Maura had just made a joke and her not know it. If she hadn't, Jane was going to politely find some unfinished business that required her utmost attention immediately.
"Only filthy rich people live there," Jane studied Maura's face as she spoke, looking for any sign she was being offensive. "And the stuck up prudes. You're joking, right?"
Maura's nose wrinkled slightly at the unintentional offense Jane had just spoken and a sour smile brought an over cast to previous bright smile her curvaceous lips had formed.
"My home is not far from here," she said methodically polite as she reached for the handle and opened the door beginning to get out, never letting her eyes leave Janes. "I think I'll walk on my own."
Jane snaked out her hand and grabbed Maura's wrist, saying desperately, "Wait! I'm-"
Maura jerk her wrist finding she was not going to be able to writhe free from the detectives grip. The sour smile instantly faded and turned into a frown as she cut Jane off, "I have just been assaulted by two thugs earlier, now I'm being held against my will by the person who is supposed to uphold the law. Jane, are you going to molest my rights as the men did before you?"
Janes grip loosened at her strong words but still held tight wanting her to understand she had not meant those mean things of her. "Please. Just wait and listen. I never meant for those things to be implied about you. I've just had a few cases where Hill Creste loop was involved and ....." Jane trailed off as she visualized the case she had worked there. It had been a case of cold blooded murder with 37 year old Alice Donahughe, a self made wealthy white woman with her whole life ahead of her, the victim. Her throat had been cut open and stuffed with one hundred dollar bills right after her company had just made a major change in their product line, symbolizing something no one ever figured out. The money stuffed down her sliced throat was now a trade mark of the serial killer Boston was now calling, 'The Surgeon'. A few weeks after the police started finding bodies, Jane was called out to check on Ms. Donahughe after neighbors had reported hearing her screaming late in the night. When Jane arrived at the home, no one answered the door so she broke the lock and went inside. What had happened inside that house had scared Jane for life, mentally and physically.
Maura saw Janes face twist from one of apology to one of absolute horror; Janes bottom lip had begun to shake and her eyes seemed to frost over as the past flickered in front of her. Something in Mauras heart began to break, she didn't know what it was but she had a feeling this was a strong woman who did not show fear or pain to anyone willingly. She began assessing Jane and trying to figure out what could have happened in the case to make her freeze up and quiver in fear like this. Maura sympathetically reached out her free hand to touch Janes face, to try and bring her back to reality when all of a sudden Jane squeezed her wrist in fear of what ever she just remembered as she gritted her teeth. Maura let out a small scream and finally pulled her wrist free and held it tentatively with her other hand. Maura's yelp of pain had brought Jane out her personal hell and made her realize she had hurt the woman. Her face contorted into worry and sadness but she turned her face away and gripped the steering wheel in a vice grip, causing her knuckles to turn white.
"I didn't mean any of what I said to be about you. I'm sorry for hurting you twice. If you want, I'll drive you home now or you can do what ever you want." Jane husked sadly through her teeth fighting back tears caused by what she had remembered. "You probably want to run and never see my face again."
Maura looked at her wrist and saw red finger prints from the detectives slender fingers. She knew what ever had just happened had been a first for Jane as it had been for her and she wanted to help her in some way, even though she had almost broken her wrist and insulted her. It was a doctors natural instinct, you could say. She looked back up at Jane and tried to read every emotion playing across the young woman's face but could not place them all fast enough.
What could I do to possibly help her? The least I could do is not leave her yet. But how am I going to make her sta- Oh ! I still haven't name my condition! Thought Maura.
"You know, I never named my condition for you to take me home, detective." She said trying to sound playful.
"You name it and it's yours." Janes jaw loosened a little as she spoke and listened to Maura's voice. It had a strangely calming effect on her.
"I would like to roast you some African coffee at my home, if you like coffee ?"
"Yes," Jane said quickly and almost enthusiastically." I love coffee, thank you."
"Then take me home and I'll get started on our coffee. " Maura closed the car door and smiled at Jane as Jane put the car in drive. Then they began the drive to the place Jane swore she would never go again.
The place she was almost murdered.

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