The Beginning

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The last chance of freedom is the sliver of time crammed into those hot sweaty months between May and September. A chance to be whoever you want and do whatever you feel like.

Cicadas incessantly hummed as I sat on my porch with my yearbook and backpack sitting in front of me. It seemed to glare up at me as if challenging me to even think about school anymore. But if I couldn't think about school I'd have to face the looming task of figuring out my life. And all of a sudden the cicadas stopped and it was utterly still. My heart seemed to pound on my chest. I had to do something, there was no other option. I reached over to my backpack and carefully flipped to the back of a notebook that had been vigorously used over the academic year. Staring at the empty page I thought of all the possibilities and started to write.

I had never been the most adventurous person. Always dreaming instead of doing. Sitting on the sidelines waiting for my life to happen, but not anymore. In big block letters I wrote at the top of the page, "MY LAST SUMMER" and aggressively underlined it. Hand shaking, everything I had ever dreamed to do appeared from the tip of my pen and onto that paper. Cliff diving, drive in movies, sneaking out, going to a real party, skinny dipping, eating ice cream on the roof, and the most elusive one of all, getting kissed.

I slammed the cover of the notebook and stood up. I stared at the sky and promised to myself and the universe that I would make my last summer the best one ever. 

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