A Push in the Right Direction

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Somehow it had been a week since school ended and I still haven't done anything. Mornings filled with sugar cereal and watching tv that seeped into the afternoons of eating popsicles and reading books. I had grown restless.

Pacing back and forth in my living room I tried to gather the courage to leave my house and do something, anything. Suddenly my doorbell rang and a split second later a tall blonde girl's shadow cast ominously across the wooden floor. Quin was my best friend and was outgoing as I was timid. She held in her hand a grocery bag full of mysterious items and an evil grin spread across her face. I started to slowly back up, but she full on sprinted towards me and tackled me to the floor.

"Anabella, I know what we're going to do today." Whimpering, I tried to scooch backwards.

"And what would that be..." Quin pulled out bottles and a pair of scissors.

"We're dying our hair!"

Quin had always been a bit spontaneous and crazy, but this was a little far. I needed time to think this through. Rational decisions could not be made in a split second.

"Ana you're getting pink highlights and I'm going full on purple." I shrunk away from Quin.

"How about we just do yours..." Quin rolled her eyes at me.

"Oh Ana you're no fun." 

I glanced down at my bare feet and peeling nail polish. At my oversized t-shirt I had worn all week. Maybe it was time for a change. For a push in the right direction.

I snatched a bottle of hair dye and triumphantly thrust it in the air.

"To Summer!" I screamed. Quin grabbed a bottle of purple dye and bumped it into mine. "Cheers. To Summer."


It turns out neither of us knew what we were doing. Quin didn't buy toner so the purple looked muddy and my hair was too dark for the pink to show up without bleach. But we had done it. My first adventurous thing of the summer was complete and I was so ready for more.

My mother wasn't too happy though when she found the bathroom stained with dye and Quin and I spent the rest of the day scrubbing at pink and purple stains. It was worth it though, to see Quins ridiculous purple hair sticking to her sweaty forehead because the air conditioning couldn't keep up with the heat. 

After the bathroom was only semi-stained we flopped onto the couch to watch cartoons before I heard a noise that made me want to throw up and die all at the same time.

Tristian McCleland stuck his pathetic little head through the back door and smirked.

"What's for dinner losers?" 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 02, 2023 ⏰

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