The Call - Regina Spektor

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Trigger Warning

I feel like this one's worse than the other two, but I'm still proud of this one.

This is the Nightcore version (I like this version better. If you don't know what it is, it's a sped up + higher pitched version of a song). If you want the original version, please, look it up!


"Daddy?" I called, looking around the house. I'd sometimes forget that he was gone. "Daddy? Where are you? Daddy!?" I'd gone to his room, having had a nightmare and be unable to find him. "DADDY!?" My sister finally came over to guide me back to my room. She looked annoyed, but also sad. She brought me to my room, me thrashing. "I have to find Daddy! I need him! DADDY!" Then I broke out crying. My sister had to console me.

That was the first time he left, I was around the age of four. He came back though. And I was happy... so so happy.

♪It started out as a feeling.

Which then grew into a hope

Which then turned into a quiet thought.

Which then turned into a quiet word

And then that word grew louder and louder.

Until it was a battle cry.♪

I remember, a couple years later. We went a field trip. I remember saying to him, "I'm the one leaving this time. Not you. Are you going to miss me? Like I'm missed you?" I asked him this sincerely, yet he chuckled. I wasn't sure why at the time.

"I'm always going to miss you. Whether I'm the one leaving or you. I won't miss you for long though right? You're only leaving for a while. I'm sorry I had to leave for so long last time." He said patting my head. At this I broke out in tears. He hugged me to his chest, stroking the back of my head. "Oh sweetheart... I'm sorry..."

"I-If... you ever miss me so much while I'm gone... any time. Just call my name..." I said, sniffling. "And I'll be there for you... okay?" I told him. "And..." Another sniffle. "And will you do the same for me?"

♪I'll come back,when you call me.

No need to say goodbye.♪

The next time he left was when I was twelve years old. I'd been much more mature. But I was still naive as ever. I remembered the promise I had made years before, but I knew that that promise could never be kept. By then, Mom had died, but my sister was old enough to take care of me, so she did. It'd taken up ballet, and before he left, he made sure to come to one of my recitals. I messed up badly, but he didn't care. At the end, he congratulated me. Said how well of a job I had done.

I cried again.

He hugged me again, saying that it was okay that I messed up. "That's not it..." I had said. "Sis told me you were leaving... again..."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 09, 2015 ⏰

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