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Malik: "So that's it? You're just gonna let me walk out of your life?"

Sienna: "Well what the fuck do you want me to do? Beg for your cheating ass to stay!?"

Malik: "Bro we were on a break. That shit don't count."

Sienna: "Malik, I am actually done this time. You say you're gonna change, you say you're gonna stop with the cheating and the lies and you never fucking do! Im so tired of going to bed and crying because you can't be loyal."

Malik: "Well maybe if you gave me what I wanted, I wouldn't have to cheat."

Is this nigga serious?

Sienna: "Don't you ever fucking talk to me again."

I hang up the phone and block him on everything. I finally did it. Im actually leaving him for good. We've been on and off for three years. Honestly that shit was embarrassing and tiring.

I call Gia and Laila to tell them I broke up with him. I've told them that we ended our relationship before but we always ended up getting back together. I'm done with him. For real this time.

Gia: "Bitch thank God. He treated you like shit! His ass never deserved you!"

Laila: "Fina-fucking-ly! Girl I thought you two were just gonna stay in that toxic ass relationship forever."

Sienna: "I feel so fucking dumb staying with him. That's sick for real. I let him treat me so shitty and then I would be the one running back to him!"

We all laugh and then they both say that they're actually proud of me. The truth is, without the two of them, I'd probably still be dating him.

Gia: "Alright lovies I'm going to bed I'm tried. I love y'all!"

Laila and I start laughing about Gias southern accent. She hangs up and we try to sound just like her but we end up sounding like goats.

Laila: "Okay girl I'm going to bed! I love you and I'm so happy that you left his loser ass."

She laughs and then ends the call. I look at the time at its 10pm.

On a school night.

"Oh shit!" I gasp. I forgot I had school tomorrow. I don't want to go to school considering I just broke up with Malik and we have almost every class together.

Tomorrow is gonna be hell.


i cannot write a story continuously to save my life.
Hope you guys like this one though 🤫
I lowkey might change this story idk though yet😭
K bye 🌚🌚

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 03, 2023 ⏰

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