Ch. 13

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Nicole's pov:

Beat, raped, starved, repeat. Every single day. It's like a never ending cycle. I hate to say this, but I miss those stupid obnoxious boys. I miss seeing natural light, I miss my daughter, I miss my brother. Oh god my brother. I miss him so fucking much. It pains me to know how he feels right now.

First my parents, now I'm missing, I know the poor boy is so lost and stressed out with no family to help him, only the boys. The boys are our family, but no immediate family; Our parents were the only children.

He has the American tour going on, who knows if he cancelled it or not. Maybe he's given up all hope on me. I'm not worth calling off a whole tour and disappointing millions of fans.

As for the days I spend here, I try to count and keep up with them. If I'm counting correctly it's been four months in this shitty ass place.

I'm surprised I'm still alive. But I can only keep some sort of faith that I will make it out okay, even if I am bruised or badly beaten.

I think tomorrow I'll try and escape. It has been too long here. I thought they would've let me out a while ago, but I'm still here.

The only thing is how am I going to do it? I don't have much to use to break out of this crummy old basement. There's some tools in the bathroom down here I think maybe I could use that to bust out the little window at the top of the basement wall, or try and break the lock off the door.

The basement is not attached to the house, which is honest to god the best thing because if it was then I would have no chance of getting out.

They're always here, and if they need to leave one is always behind or they have someone stay here watching me. Watching my every move. Makes me feel like a dirty prostitute. But basically giving sex for free. And there's nothing I can do about it.

Niall's pov:

I've done everything I can. I am still doing everything I can to find Nicole. I've hired the best private investigators in the country. I stayed behind while the boys went ahead with the American tour. I don't wanna bee thousands of miles away when they find Nicole or I find Nicole.

Louis' pov:

Niall is not here, Nicole isn't here my world is crashing. I don't have my happy Irish friends to cheer me up. I've fallen into depression from lack of sleep and beating myself over Nicole being gone.

I should've went with Nicole the night she disappeared. I know she wanted to air, but a plus one wouldn't have been a bad idea and probably wouldn't have gotten us where are today.

The fans know I'm upset, I don't know if they've figured out why, I'm sure the fans who know me the most have figured it out.

Sometimes I just breakdown on stage. I'll be singing my solo in 18 and just break because I'll think about how it's Nicole's favorite song and on Christmas I sang it to her. It brings so many joyful memories and I don't know if I'll get to have anymore of those with her.

Liam's pov:

The band is falling apart. Member by member. Niall isn't here, Louis is depressed, Zayn is thinking about taking a break. The only stable ones left are me and Harry. The fans see us falling apart and I know it breaks their heart. We're just so stressed out and under pressure with a show every night non stop no breaks. Something has got to give.

what do you think going to happen?

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